Design School of SA dresses students for success

The art of dressmaking is seeing a revival in interest from emerging young designers who want to enter the industry well equipped with a depth of garment construction skills. These skills not only allow them

Prepping for a Job

Finding a job is not easy, especially if you are not qualified, this makes it even harder for students. The best way to start your job-hunting journey is to understand what managers and recruitment officers

What is Operations Management?

Operations management is a field that can, at times, be misunderstood because of its multidisciplinary nature. However, its functions form the lynchpin of businesses the world over and success can often rest squarely on its

person wearing suit reading business newspaper

5 money mistakes successful people don’t make.

The difference between the successful people and the unsuccessful people of the world comes down to their different habits. Those who are successful have set forth the habits to get them there and those who

5 Unusual jobs that pay well

Jobs Jobs Jobs – Technology has enable career and job development in different and new markets which were untapped a decade ago Some people know exactly what job they want to do with their lives

Beat the post-holiday blues

After the long July holidays, University has reopened and life has gone back to normal. Gone are the lazy mornings spent lounging with a book and hot chocolate, and late nights on the dance floor.

red and blue light streaks

Investing as a student

The first thing that comes to mind when I mention investing is probably old people with money to buy shares in companies or stockbrokers sitting behind computers analysing market fluctuations. As much as we want

What to look for in a Bursary Fund?

A bursary is basically a study program that is financially aided for by someone else or a company. Bursaries were generated to help disadvantaged, less fortunate and disabled students to be able to pay for