2 important tips for students

We all want to use our time as a student wisely. The problem is we struggle to know precisely what that means. We think that because we managed to get in to study at an academic institution, this means we know how to work there. This is obviously not true. A lot of what we know about studying, preparation and learning goes out the window when so little structure is given to us. We are expected to do more with less. To that end, we should consider some ways to become better students.

Time is everything

There is too much to learn and too little time to learn it in. Yet, that doesn’t mean we give up so much as it means we need to budget ourselves correctly.

When we think of budget, most people assume we’re talking finances. In a helpful overview by Duke University, they state: “A budget is an itemized summary of likely income and expenses for a given period.  It helps you determine whether you can grab that bite to eat or should head home for a bowl of soup.”

Yet finances are not the only item we need to budget. In terms of finite resources that are precious, our time is too. The principle of budgeting applies across the board: We need to know how to best use our limited resource in the best way possible to obtain the maximum output. This means choosing between time relaxing versus studying, time spent eating or going to the library. It is not a question of right or wrong – we’re not wrong to want to eat more than we want to study – but it is a question of priority. By fixing this firmly in our heads we can do better and go further, since we recognise time is not something we can afford to waste.


Students are often so focused on their education they tend to forget they’re human beings. Several governments around the world have expressed concerns about student health. The UK, for example, lists a number of warning signs for students to look out for – in themselves and friends, especially during exam time. Stress can do enormous damage to the body, so it’s important to have some moments of self-care. This helps bring us to a state of calm and serenity, which is both essential for studying as well as health.

No matter where we are, we should be looking into medical care. This means finding out about student medical aid in South Africa or New York, depending on where we’re studying. The importance here is that we have medical aid set, able to help us should the need arise. This provides peace of mind, which, as we noted, is essential for any kind of studying and success as a student.

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