5 Tips to Find Cheap Student Flights

Whether you’re embarking on a well deserved holiday to a foreign country or perhaps just a short trip over the weekend to visit family, flight costs are always a pain. The cost of the flight

The 8 Ultimate Guides to Mastering Revision

The pre-exam period is a dreaded time for most students, almost as terrible as the exams themselves, but we have the best study tips to help make revision a breeze because we all know that:

Mistakes that could turn a living situation sour.

At the end of high school, many cannot wait to go to University/College and be free from the “imprisonment” of their parent’s house rules and regulations; therefore when presented with the opportunity many students choose

white and black labeled box

6 ways to ace your exams

Your study habits could either improve your marks or cause you to perform dismally. Poor study methods lead to caffeine-loaded all night cram sessions. Whether you’re enrolled in a human resource course or an accounting

books on ground

5 Reasons you should study abroad

If you have the opportunity to study abroad, you should grab it with both hands. It’ll be one unforgettable experience that’ll change your outlook on life. The months you spend there will be one big

First job starter pack

Congratulations you finally have your first job! You’ve made it in life. Wrong. There are many mistakes that people starting out on their first job make. They pay little attention to their budget and end

Energy Management

Scott H. Young, the author of “Learn more, Study less”, felt that energy management and time management were independent of each other and that both should be used entirely. He also believed that time management