How to Survive Graduation Season- when you’re not graduating

Graduation is, most likely, the most anticipated event of every university student’s career; a time to finally be rewarded for those long and sleepless nights (slaving away) in the library. Getting through this time is often a breeze unless you, like many, did not make the cut. This is why we thought we’d give you a few tips on how to survive graduation season when you’re not graduating- but should be!

Find Perspective

Whether you’re missing graduation because you’re short a few credits or can’t complete a module due to funding – remember that your time will come. By remembering that a delay is not a failure will not only keep you motivated but will help make graduation a little bit more bearable.

Drop the Jealousy

This may be easier said than done but use graduation as a time to celebrate your friends and fellow classmate’s success! You may wish it was you walking that stage but I bet they’re rooting for you as much as they wish you’d root for them.


Use this time to reflect on why you are not graduating. This refection will help you to re-organize and re-prioritize your time, tasks and even people! By evaluating where you went wrong, you plan for future success.


Drown yourself in all the assignments you’ve been putting off, make those study notes and even hit those revision classes. This will not only distract you from graduation season but will also get you one step closer to that sash.

Treat yourself

You may not be graduating but you deserve a treat! Whether it’s binge-watching your favourite series or having a few glasses of wine- reward yourself for not giving up! Plus, who in their right mind would turn down an excuse to do what they love most?!

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