Tips for buying a car for the first time

Most people agree there’s something special about experiencing new things for the first time in life. Whether it’s going overseas, bungee jumping, or falling in love with your first crush. Adding to that, there’s something

5 things you should do that will pay off later

What are your plans for after university? Will you immediately start out in the working world or move back to your parents? Many students don’t like to return to their parents’ house after graduation. Well,

Tips for going on a road trip with friends

Being a student often means juggling assignments, studying for tests and attending lectures. And your body could be screaming for some down time, where you get to relax, laugh and mostly have fun. Going on

9 Ways to stay active in winter

Winter has its own charm. You may disagree with this statement because it’s freezing outside, but there are plenty of benefits which winter offers. Winter brings about cleaner, fresher air and helps you sleep better.

Overnight oats

One of the great joys of life is fast food that is easy to make and store but most of all healthy. Traditionally when I think of oats I think of my gran cooking them

Mistakes to avoid when choosing a career

You’re young, free and the world is your oyster. But the problem is you don’t know what career path to follow. Some people know what they want to do with their lives right off the

Basics of a budget dinner party

As a young adult with your own place you’re probably looking forward to entertaining guests. Having your friends over for some drinks and dinner can be a lot of fun. Many people think it’s extremely