Tips for going on a road trip with friends

Being a student often means juggling assignments, studying for tests and attending lectures. And your body could be screaming for some down time, where you get to relax, laugh and mostly have fun. Going on a road trip with your friends is the perfect opportunity to leave all your responsibilities in the rearview mirror and forget for a while about the pressures of school.

Here’s what you should know about taking a road trip.

Be picky

Pick the friends you go with wisely. They say you don’t know someone until you travel with them. You’ll spend hours crammed in a car with your friends and you’ll share meals together and you might even get lost along the way. If you guys don’t get along it could be a recipe for disaster. The longer the distance the more you should pay close attention to your friend selection. You also need to discuss with them ahead of time who’s car you’ll be using and how much you’ll each contribute towards petrol and the toll gates along the way. The friends you pick to go with on your road trip could make it the best time of your life or a nightmare.


Our cell phones are a double-edged sword, they help us connect with those who are far away but they distract us from enjoying the present moment. You and your friends should limit your cell phone usage while on the road trip so you can bond with each other. You’ll make plenty of memories and get to know each other on a deeper level since you’ll be stuck together in a closed space for hours. Whether it’s jamming out to your favourite song and singing at the top of your lungs or it’s laughing until your stomach hurts, a road trip will bring you and your friends closer together.

Laugh at the curveballs

You can’t predict what will happen in life and you should just go with the flow on things you have no control over. You might like everything organised and in control and plan everything to a tee. But you need to make room for things which might not go according to plan. Your GPS might direct you in the wrong path and add an extra three hours to your trip or you might need to change your car tyre along the way. Don’t let these mishaps spoil the rest of your road trip because one day you’ll laugh about them.

Car Entertainment

The beginning of any road trip begins with sheer anticipation and excitement but after a while, boredom can creep in. Make sure you bring entertainment in the car which will give you something to do when your bored, bring games, magazines, books and you could also create a playlist so you and your friends can belt out some tunes

Take the leap

Some of the best moments in life that happen are unexpected. There are some opportunities that’ll present themselves which you didn’t plan for, and you should go ahead and take them. After all, that’s what a road trip is about. It’s about experiencing new things whether it’s swimming in a lake or trying new cuisine. Who knows you just might find yourself eating mopane worms in Limpopo.


Eating out at restaurants every time you make a stop could not only put a dent in your pockets but it’s also unhealthy. Why don’t you pack lunch and bring snacks  for the road. If you run out of homemade sandwiches you shouldn’t  be afraid to ask the locals about where you can find great restaurants which offer tasty, affordable food. And you should also bring plenty of water for when you get dehydrated along the way.

Swap the driving

You might spend hours on the road, depending on your destination. You should make sure each person gets a turn to drive so you can give each other a break when the other is tired.

Have a plan B

Always make sure that you have a plan B because anything can happen. For example bring a spare key, (you might lose it or you could lock it in your boot) or have a spare tyre in your boot. You need to prepare for any emergencies that could happen while you’re on the road.


Also, make sure you take your car for a service whether you’re driving your granny’s runabout or your recently purchased used Ford. You need to make sure everything in the car is running smoothly and taking your car for full service will help detect if it’s roadworthy or not. For example, there’ll be a visual inspection of your car and an oil and air filter change.

Being young means you can be carefree and spontaneous and go on a road trip with friends will give you that opportunity to completely forget and let go. It also helps you forget about the pressures of school and anything you might be going through.

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