5 Good Reasons to get further education

There are some obvious reasons why getting a further education is an excellent idea. As a society we tend to focus on the ones related to career advancement, but there are plenty of other benefits


With almost daily, rapid advances in technology, the opportunities provided in the IT sector continue to expand and evolve at a similarly fast pace. This means that prospective students – regardless of their major field

Is an engineering career for you?

Still not sure what you want to do in life? What career you choose is one of the most important decisions you will be called on to make in life. No pressure! If you are

Why business schools are relevant

It is no secret that Millennials hold tech entrepreneurs in the highest regard. They enjoy the fact that these individuals have revolutionized the world not by pursuing a path laid out by others, but by

Skills every aspiring entrepreneur needs

Do you think you have what it takes to be an entrepreneur? Before you answer yes, check whether you have these skills. If you don’t, you know what areas you need to still work on.

three stainless steel forks near apple

Tips for working at a fast food restaurant

Fast food restaurants are not everybody’s dream job, but it pays the bills no less. If you ever find yourself on the brink of handing in your CV at a fast food place, then it’s

Follow your passion to the future

We are constantly reminded that in order to be successful, you must work hard, maintain focus, keep caffeinated, stay positive, and be inspired. But with all of the hustle and bustle of today’s workplace, it

Alternative careers with a science degree

When choosing what to study at college or university, it makes sense to first look at what types of jobs and industries you’ll have access to after taking those courses. Many people think that studying