How not to get pregnant at Varsity?

Let’s be real here, the chances of you reading this and not having sex as a varsity student is fairly slim. That is okay, we don’t judge here. What we want is for you to

Maintain a healthy lifestyle as a student

As a student, you’re probably feeling performance pressure at all times and in varying degrees. After all, you’ve got one shot to attain your qualification that’ll dictate the course of your career. You don’t really

sushi in the plate

Eating healthy on a student budget

Being a student often means eating take-out, quick and easy (not always healthy) meals, instant noodles and generally food on the go. You can choose to put your health first and change this by changing

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6 Benefits of working out

As a student you are faced with countless challenges each and every day. Your life is jam-packed with assignments that are due and tests that are all crammed into one week. And you still have

How to meditate

Whenever I tell people that I meditate, the first thing that they usually ask me is “How do you do it?”, in a confused manner. Before I started out, I had no idea how to

What is Meditation?

The word meditation has been used loosely in our modern world. Meditation has been around before your great-great-great grandparents were born. It’s a technique that has been practiced for thousands of years by people all