11 Final Interview Questions to Prepare For

So you’ve got the final interview coming up? That’s great! But now it’s time to prepare. The final step in getting hired is your opportunity to make a strong impression on some of the company’s top employees. Maybe it’s the head of the personnel department. Or maybe, even the CEO of the company. This big decision-maker has the final say in whether you should work in their organisation. So it’s good to go in prepared. Luckily, in most cases, the final round of questions will be pretty much the same regardless of the organisation. Whether you apply for a city government position or a job designing cool games like Convertus Aurum, the questions will most probably revolve around your background and soft skills. Knowing the questions enables you to prepare excellent responses and increases your chances of getting the job. So check out these 11 questions that will most probably pop up in your upcoming final interview. 

1. Why Should We Prefer You Over the Other Candidates? 

This question is for the interviewer to see the unique sides that set you apart from the competition. To answer it, think of something only you can bring to the position. Take into account all your accomplishments, degrees, and experiences. And here’s something interesting: if your past experiences have been in a different industry, you can consider that as a strength. You see, most CEOs know the value of a fresh perspective on their business. A candidate with deep knowledge about other industries can invent innovative ways to handle common problems.

2. What Was Your Favourite Thing About Your Previous Job? 

Employers often ask about the things you enjoyed on your previous job to understand whether you’d stay with them long-term. It’s not enough if you can handle the new tasks. They want to know if you have the enthusiasm to come to work every morning. So make a list of all the things you liked and didn’t like about your last workplace. And then figure out what you would enjoy in the job you’re applying for. Knowing the answers beforehand shows the employer that you’re serious about the new position.

3. Do You Have Interviews Elsewhere? 

It’s pretty common to get asked about your overall job searches. If you are applying for jobs at other companies, you should let the interviewer know. It speeds up their decision-making process because they might get worried about losing you to another business. But, if you don’t have more interviews lined up, don’t lie about this. It’s not a good idea to be dishonest with your possible employers. If the lie comes out, you could get into trouble.

4. What Have You Heard About Our Business?  

Most interviewers will ask this question in some form. “What do you think of our business,” or “what have you learned about our business?” are some variations that might pop up. So be prepared and do thorough research on the company before your interview. Plus, write down everything you heard about the company in the previous interview rounds. That way, you can prepare an answer that will surely impress your employer(s).

5. Anything Else We Should Know About You?

Here is your chance to let the interviewers know everything about you that hasn’t been in discussion yet. And look, if no one asks you this question, it’s appropriate to bring it up yourself. You can say something along those lines: “if it’s okay, I’d like to share a few more ideas with you.” Maybe they’ve misunderstood your cover letter, and you could clarify things with a few sentences. Also, you might have a hobby that can contribute to the desired job. If you want to design online games for websites, for example, you can mention your love for games.

6. What Do You See Yourself Doing in 5 Years? 

It’s only natural that managers will want to know your long-term goals before giving you the job. Even if you’re a perfect fit for a position, it’s not practical to hire you if you’re only going to stick around a mere few months. It costs money to find and train new employees. Plus, it takes time before a new team member can contribute to work at a high level. That is why most CEOs are looking for people that are going to be with them for years. 

7. What Is Your Ideal Salary?

The last phase of the interview process is where you let everybody know how much money you expect to get for the job. Make sure you’ve done a little research beforehand to determine what the number should be. You can also ask about the budget the company has set aside for the position. That way, you can be sure your money expectations are realistic.

8. Tell Us a Little About Yourself 

You can probably hear this question a lot during the recruitment process. Here’s your chance to show off your communication skills and professional background. Strive for a clear one-minute response that focuses on your key accomplishments. 

9. What are your passions?

Your passions say a lot about who you are as a person. There’s no correct answer to this question, but it’s good to be completely honest. Maybe you’re passionate about a social cause or enjoy tackling programming problems. The goal is to make the recruiter see the passion in your eyes, and you can’t fake it. 

10. What Are Your Biggest Motivations  

Look, everybody works for money to some extent. And your employer knows this well. But the best workers are the ones who have more motivations than cash. An employee who enjoys tough challenges or wants to impact the world will contribute more to the team effort. So think about what motivates you to be productive and express it in one sentence. That will be your perfect answer to this question.

11. Why Are You Interested in This Position? 

It is one of the first interview questions you’ll get asked when applying for a new job. But there might be new interviewers in the last round. They want to hear the answer also. Give an honest answer about what initially got you interested in the position and what excites you about it. Remember, excitement is contagious and helps you distinguish yourself from other applicants.


So, there you have it. Prepare answers to these 11 questions, and you’re all set for a successful final job interview. Remember, this stage is about displaying your personality and forging a deeper connection with the company’s decision-makers. So keep the answers short and sweet, let your passion show, and get the job! 

How did your last job interview go? Were you fully prepared or went in without much pre-work? Share your experiences in the comments. 

Author’s Bio

Thomas is a perpetual expat who eventually settled down in Miami after living in 6 other countries. When not surfing at the beach or enjoying his Mr.Bet game, he can be usually found in his home office, writing about the perks of working remotely and what remote work is all about. 

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