5 Unusual jobs that pay well

Jobs Jobs Jobs – Technology has enable career and job development in different and new markets which were untapped a decade ago

Some people know exactly what job they want to do with their lives from the time they are born. Others are led on a certain career path according to their natural talents and abilities. Still others only discover their passion and interests later in life.

However, it seems the majority are still trying to figure out their calling (job) . These are the people who don’t fit into the typical mould of doctor, teacher or lawyer. If you find yourself in this group the good news is that there are many career paths available to you. Here are five unusual jobs you may not have known about or considered:

Cruise Line Employee

Cruise ships offer a range of employment opportunities in nearly every sector. There are the more obvious jobs available in hospitality, entertainment and health care. There are also employment opportunities for those with experience in child care, beauty therapy and sports.

The appeal of a cruise ship is the opportunity it presents to interact with foreigners and travel to different parts of the world. There is also the potential to earn a good salary depending on your job title. However it will require working long hours and due to the nature of the job, best suits people who are young and single and have few attachments.

Ayurveda Practitioner

Ayurveda is a system of natural healing that originated in Indian culture. It is practised by individuals who have completed training in yoga techniques, herbal therapies and healthy dietary practices.

This job is ideal for people who have an interest in health and wellness but are looking for ways to heal the body outside of traditional practices.

Even though the art of Ayurveda is growing, there are only a few places that offer training in this field. Currently Ayurvedic schools can be found in India and the USA.

Voice-over Professional

Have you ever thought about the person behind the voice you hear on radio and television commercials? Voice-overs are read from a script by individuals who have been trained to use the tone and volume of their voice to deliver a message. This is an easy way to make money and get exposure in the broadcasting industry.

This job will help to improve your communication, presentation and people skills and potentially open doors to other unusual opportunities.

Jewellery Designer

Do you have a flair for drawing and design? Jewellery design can be a welcome alternative to the more traditional design fields like graphic or textile.

Jewellery designers use a variety of materials, including gold, silver and precious stones to create their finished product. There are a number of training colleges that specialize in jewellery design and teach skills like mounting, model making, welding fabrication, engraving and stone setting to name a few.

This field is perfect for individuals who are creative and original and know how to stay ahead of the trend.

Food Scientist

Would you like to be involved in food quality control? A food scientist is trained to meet the health and safety requirements within the food sector.

Their daily tasks include inspecting food, conducting research, examining food processing and preventing illnesses born from foods. Food scientists will also have the opportunity to invent new products.

A food scientist can build a successful career in a research or manufacturing company in the public, corporate, or government sector.

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