How to Write an Application Essay an MBA Admissions Committee Will Love

You already know that it takes a lot of work to earn your spot in a prestigious MBA program. One of the most challenging tasks you will have to complete is your application essay. Your final document must adequately impress the admissions committee to ensure that you will move forward in the process. 

Have no fear, this guide can give you the help you need. Just apply the following tips as you write, and you are sure to create an essay the admission committee will love.

It’s About Character Not Bragging

MBA programs are full of 4.0 GPA students who completed amazing internships and rocked a bunch of extracurriculars. There’s nothing wrong with mentioning your successes. Just remember that these aren’t going to make you stand out. Instead, find something about yourself, your experiences, the lessons you’ve learned, etc. Use this information to weave an interesting narrative about yourself.

Share What Excites You

What are you passionate about? Would you like to lead a green energy startup to global success? Maybe you would like to combine your business sense with technical know-how in order to head up a data science team. Chances are, you are pursuing your MBA because you have strong opinions about topics such as business, the economy, commerce, even government. Help the admissions committee understand what it is that drives you.

Your Non-Traditional Path Can Be Your Secret Weapon

If there are things that set you apart from your classmates, you may be a non-traditional student. This can definitely work in your favor as you try to win your spot as a member of the latest MBA class. While official definitions vary, most schools see a non-trad student as one who meets one or more of the following criteria:

  • Is a first-generation college student
  • Entered College later than the average student
  • Is a member of an ethnic or socioeconomic group that is underrepresented in colleges or universities
  • Meets the criteria for being financially independent
  • Attends school part-time for a portion of the year
  • Has a disability or delay 
  • Faces and overcomes challenges to their academic success.

In order to build as diverse a student body as possible, admissions staff often seeks to fill at least some seats with non-traditional students. 

Share Real Life Examples

The best way to present your case in your essay is through storytelling. Cher compelling, real life examples of experiences you’ve had and lessons you learned. This will go much further to prove that you have the character and work ethic to succeed in an MBA program.

Choose a life experience that you believe showcases your best characteristics. Keep the criteria for admission, school culture, and other factors in mind as you make your decision. Then, use your essay to tell that compelling story.

Triple Edit Everything

There is simply no room for errors here. Yes, the content of your essay matters most of all, but so does grammar and spelling. These are the things that help you to communicate clearly. Also, a perfectly edited essay shows that you care enough to pay attention to detail and present something that is free from errors.

Take a three-phased approach to this. Start by carefully reviewing your own work yourself. Try to read it out loud. This will give you a good idea of how it ‘reads’ to someone else. Next, take advantage of the wealth of tools and technologies that are available to help you. Consider using Grammarly, Get Good Grade, The Hemingway App, or another tool to help you write an essay or complex custom writing term paper. Finally, reach out to someone you trust. Have them read through your essay and get their honest perspective. They will tell you if anything you have written is unclear.

Share Clear And Original Reasons for Pursuing Your MBA

“I want to be a successful business leader.” We are quite willing to bet that this is the most common reason students give for applying to MBA programs. The problem is that this sentiment is tired, lacking originality, and gives absolutely no insights into your motivations. To get into a great program, you will have to do much better than that. 

Detail Why This Program is a Great Fit for You

There are hundreds of MBA programs. Why have you decided to choose this particular one? Is it because you think you will be challenged? Perhaps you admire many of the school’s past graduates. Open up about your specific reasons for wanting to attend that school as a new MBA candidate. Take the time to learn about the values and school culture. Then, detail how you will fit into that and what you plan to do to be an asset to the program.

Write About Your Failures

Your failures may very well speak more to your abilities, character, and lessons learned than your successes. Don’t be afraid to write about these in your essay. This is a great way to show your growth as a student and emerging business professional. Just be sure that you clearly describe the lessons you have learned and improvements you have made as the result of the setbacks you have faced.

Seek Out Great Advice

If you can, connect to people who are already in the program. Reach out to instructors and department heads as well. Express an interest in the program, and ask for any insights. You will be surprised at how enthusiastic people are about their MBA program. Don’t forget to connect with the school, student business associations, and other groups on social media. You will learn so much about the school and the program. This will give you some good ideas regarding the direction in which you should take your essay and how to build your student brand.

Final Thoughts

You have made a life-changing decision to apply for business school. Now it’s time to ensure that your efforts are successful. The admissions essay you write could seriously influence the admissions committee’s final choice. It’s time to make something amazing happen. Use the tips here to craft the perfect essay that highlights your accomplishments and shows that you are the kind of student who deserves a spot in the program.

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