What Can I do with a Degree in Change Management?

Studying a degree in management, whatever the sector, can be beneficial to your career. You will find that there is a wide variety of positions open to you and that you will be able to climb the corporate ladder with ease. A degree in change management also allows you to spread your wings in the world of business, as outlined below.

A management consultant

One of the most obvious courses of action to take with a change management degree is to become a management consultant. In this role, you will help businesses to improve their performance and evolve as well as adapt to any changes that may be happening or that they may have implemented.

You will need to carry out research and data collection in order to best understand the company and its goals regarding the changes that have been implemented. You will be tasked with identifying issues and then presenting your findings to other managers and CEOs, you may even be asked to help implement the changes that have been put into place. This is a role with a large amount of responsibility and suits someone with stamina, self-motivation and confidence.

A policy maker for NGOs (Non-Government Organisations)

As a policy maker for an NGO, you will be tasked with working with a team to identify major policy areas, collecting, interpreting and analysing data and information and briefing partners and other organisations.

You will also be responsible for presenting these ideas and policies to any stakeholders involved and providing regular updates to the relevant parties. Being a policy maker shows the importance of change management, and how you can implement your skills to make a real difference in the world. You will need to be analytical, well-organised and have excellent written and verbal communication skills.

A project manager

While managing projects may not sound glamorous, it is the perfect position to allow your change management knowledge and skills to shine. Project managers are responsible for delivering products on time and within the set budget, as well as ensuring their teams can adapt to any changes given by the client.

As a project manager, you can work in almost any industry and organisation, allowing for a fairly lucrative career. Your role involves finding out the client goals, checking the feasibility of the project and analysing finances in order to make the project work. The project manager is also tasked with reporting back to CEOs about the progress of a project, which is where a degree in change management can come in handy.

Brand manager

One of the major changes that a company undergoes is the changing of their brand and/or identity. This can be stressful and requires an understanding yet organised approach to managing the new brand, which a degree in change management provides.

A brand manager is tasked with planning, directing and developing marketing efforts to increase the value and performance of a brand. When a company decides to update their brand identity, a brand manager is needed to ensure the marketing campaigns are successful, and that the brand message is easily understood. Change management principles work well with brand management as they include assessing and adapting, leading outside the lines and engaging on every level.

Human resources manager

An HR manager is someone who deals with change on a regular basis, meaning that the importance of change management is significant in this role. As the HR manager, your responsibilities include the recruitment, training, and compensation of a company’s employees.

You will need to be able to think on your feet and have sound organisational and interpersonal skills. Change management is important in this role because you will be dealing with new employees, new policies and new difficulties on a regular basis. These professionals also need to be able to interact well with people and have sound communication skills.

Risk manager

A risk manager is closely related to change management, in that risk managers advise organisations on the potential risks to profitability, reputation, safety, security and even existence.

As a risk manager, you are tasked with identifying and assessing risks, then implementing plans and processes to ensure that clients are prepared when and if something goes wrong. You could specialise in a certain area, such as enterprise risk  or even corporate government. It is a highly analytical role and needs someone who is aware of the company’s goals, legal requirements and costs.


A degree in change management can offer you numerous career opportunities, based on what you choose to specialise in with other studies and on your own personal attributes. You could become a successful management consultant with your own firm or see yourself making groundbreaking policies within an NGO. The role of a brand manager is ideal for creatives, while a risk manager is the perfect choice for a more analytical mind. Whatever you choose, you will have a lucrative and rewarding career.

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