Western Digital Corp. (NASDAQ: WDC), today introduced a portfolio of external storage solutions to the South African market, enabling PC and console gamers to access new engaging experiences and capture more winning gameplay, without maxing

Entertainment on the go

Today’s tablet market is filled with many different brands that offer various models with different functions and capabilities. This can make it hard for consumers to find the perfect tablet. In addition, among this ever-growing

Make health a priority again

Huawei knows that lockdown hasn’t done much for our health, what with the numerous Netflix binge marathons, more time to eat unhealthy snacks, and less opportunity for physical activity. Luckily, Huawei has the solution. If

Smart Tab M10 FHD Plus

Remember when devices were designed to only do one thing, in one place, and for a single user? Not anymore. Our world is changing fast; with smarter technology more prevalent than ever in our daily