Why it’s cool to have a roomie at varsity

If you’re used to having your own space at home, the thought of sharing a room or an apartment with a stranger at university can be a little daunting. However, sharing a living space with someone comes with many, sometimes not so obvious benefits.

“Leaving home to start university can be a big life adjustment, especially considering the reality of adjusting to an unfamiliar living situation,” says Respublica CEO, Craig McMurray. “Moving into a residence is one of the scariest yet most exciting steps a young person can make. That being said – it helps to have others along with you for the ride.

“Sharing accommodation with someone exposes you to a great many things you have yet to experience in your youth and offers you a support structure for your exciting new adventure. Research has also shown that students who share accommodation achieve better academic results.”

Respublica believes that while many student residences offer private room accommodation, sharing an apartment or a room comes with these great benefits:

An instant support structure

If you’re moving into shared student accommodation for the first time, chances are your fellow housemates are in the same boat. You’ll learn to lean on each other if you’re feeling homesick or overwhelmed while adjusting to living away from home. You and your roomie can help each other navigate campus, the social scene and when exam time comes around you’ll have a study buddy to help motivate you.

Foundations of friendship

Sharing the same room with someone offers a great foundation for friendship – often with people that you would have not ordinarily met but in the end, couldn’t picture life without.  For many, the friendships that you build in shared accommodation are likely to last the rest of your life – it’s a well-documented fact!

Social life in an instant

Living in a brand-new environment means it will take the time to familiarise yourself with the area you are living in. Knowing where to meet people or where to relax after a long day of lectures will take some time, but having a friend by your side can help speed up the process, especially when you need a friend a couple feet away to unwind with after a busy day.

Learn to be a chief negotiator

There are going to be times when you and your roomie will have a difference of opinion, but you’ll learn quickly that the silent treatment will not solve your problems. The negotiation skills and ability to deal with conflict that you’ll learn by sharing a room will stand you in good stead once you’re out in the working world.

Bridge the cultural divide

University is truly a melting pot of people from a diverse range of countries, cultures and backgrounds. People usually gravitate towards people similar likes and interests to them. Staying with others will give you a new perspective on the world, broaden your horizons and give you the chance to learn about cultures and traditions different from your own.

Sharing a room with a buddy – whether they’re an old friend or a new acquaintance – gives you an ally and a support structure as you navigate your way through varsity life. Respublica residences offer a choice of single or sharing apartment-style living room configurations to fit most student budgets. Top of your list should be conveniences like a well-equipped kitchen, quiet areas to study, and facilities like canteens, gyms, laundry services and Wi-Fi access.

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