Apps and programmes that every student needs

While life can get a little complicated when deciding where to invest into things that you may need for Varsity. Knowing what are the most important things you need to work on assignments and keep track of everything that is needed. Using modern technology doesn’t guarantee great results but it does help simplify your life.

The choice of to buy Microsoft Office or to use Googles Docs

Okay, so if you have a Mac, you probably have Mac’s programs that do similar to Microsoft Office, unless you really need to use Excel, then don’t even stress about this part of the article. For the rest, Google docs are free and sync digitally so you can access them on your phone, tablet and PC. The thing to bear in mind is unless you set a file to be able to be used online you can have a difficult time. We found a wonderful tutorial for you here if you use Google Docs by PCMag. Microsoft office is the most complete office system. They pretty much provide you with everything you need to work on assignments including referencing systems. Some universities do offer it for free, to see if you qualify for free Office, you can check the link here.

Project management app

If you are working on major projects either in a group or on your own. Being able to keep track of the work and the breakdown of the various tasks that need to be done and in case of group work, when things are due and by who is essential. For that we love Trello, the free option is more than good enough for class and it syncs with your phone, online and tablets.

Varsity app for communications

Most universities have some form of online communication for their students. Check the website for extra notes on the classes, as well as tutorials and the dates for tests. Some of the bigger classes have multiple times that you can book for when you are able to take your test.

Calendar app

Most phones have one so make sure the one you have syncs with your email, your phone, your social media and your PC. Then make subfolders for tests, assignments with reminders of due dates as soon as you get them. Making sure that everything that you need to know is up and easily accessible before you say yes to a party or forget an important assignment. Activate reminders that you have put tasks in the notes. This will allow you to keep track of where you are in your project just at a glance.

Scanner app

You will be surprised at how many times you may need to scan documents and send them to people. Now you may be thinking but that is what a camera on your phone is for. True but scanner apps are better at using your phone’s camera at recognising text and balancing out the white f the paper. Office lens is easy to use and syncs with Microsoft office, it allows you take scan documents, whiteboards, photos and business cards which is pretty useful. Adobe fill and sign is super useful if you need to fill in forms and send back because it allows you to add the necessary information to the file.

Group Chat app

When working on a group assignment, being able to chat and remind each other of projects is very useful. There are a few apps that could work. A few we recommend is Slack which allows you create groups for projects or chat individually. Whatsapp groups are probably the easiest one ways for a group to chat with each other.

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