Apps to empower girls this International Day of the Girl

the world recognises International Day of the Girl. By virtue of their gender and age, girls face enormous challenges the world over. They’re often denied basic human rights and, as a result, struggle to fulfil their potential. Established by the United Nations and first held in 2012, International Day of the Girl, raises awareness of gender inequality, and seeks to improve girls’ access to education and healthcare, and to keep them safe from discrimination, violence and abuse.

This year’s theme, “Digital generation. Our generation”, aims to highlight the impact of the gender gap in the digital world. “While the pandemic has accelerated digital platforms for learning, earning and connecting, some 2.2 billion people below the age of 25 still do not have internet access at home,” says the United Nations Children’s Fund. “Girls are more likely to be cut off. The gender gap for global internet users grew from 11% in 2013 to 17% in 2019. In the world’s least developed countries, it hovers around 43%.”*

As individuals, civil society, and the private and public sectors strive to tackle this, we can all encourage young girls who do have access to the internet, to succeed. We need to nurture girls who are educated, informed and confident, and who are comfortable working with and learning from technology. The below Apps which can be found on HUAWEI AppGallery can aid in this endeavour:

1. Babbel

Babbel is a language-learning App, built by language-learning experts. Babbel’s short, interactive lessons get users speaking a new language quickly and easily. For young girls who need help speaking a language other than their own, this is a particularly powerful App.

2. Crack Me!

This riddle App sees users solve problems by thinking creatively and innovatively. It’s full of brain teasers that test logic and reason and encourage lateral thinking. For girls who don’t have constant access to the internet, many levels are available offline too. 

3. Doodle Art

Doodle Art is a magical drawing App that allows users to create beautiful and complex doodles with over 20 different brushes and 200 colours. This is the perfect App for young girls looking for a blank canvas on which to unleash their creative expression.

4. Mathematics

Almost all of the most prominent professions of the future require a solid foundation in maths. This App gives young girls a head start by helping to test and improve their maths abilities against the clock. 

All of these educational and empowering Apps are available on HUAWEI AppGallery, which comes preinstalled on every Huawei smartphone, tablet and laptop. Use your device to empower the girls and young women around you, and so help to create a new era free of gender disparities.

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