How to start a blog

If you’ve ever looked into starting your own blog, you’ve probably done your own research and found that there is SO much information out there. This can make it difficult to actually decide on where you should start. To make things easier for you, here are a couple of tips on how you can start your own blog to help you get it going.

Choose a topic

First, you have to decide what you want to blog about, is it gaming, gender issues, politics, nature, baking? Having a blog means that you have to regularly share new and fresh information with your readers. This makes it a lot easier if you’re writing about a topic that you are passionate about or interested in.

Generate a name for your blog

Once you have a topic that you want to write about, you need to decide on what you want to name your blog. Brainstorm a couple of ideas by writing them down on a piece of paper or talking about them with your friends. You can also look at other popular blogs to give you some ideas on what’s already out there.

Pick a host

The next step is choosing where you want to build your blog, is it WordPress, Blogger, Tumblr? These are just a few of the many blog creation websites out there. However, you may need to pay depending on which site you choose, so be sure to do some research so that you get exactly what you want.

Decide on a Domain

When deciding whether or not you want to pay for your blog, you should keep in mind that when it’s free your blog is hosted on someone else’s web property. This means that you don’t actually own your blog and the owners can delete if they wish to. If you have a self-hosted blog, it means that you own it and that you’ll be able to give it it’s own domain.

The domain is the website’s URL, such as or Owning your blog also comes with other perks such as having free themes and unlimited bandwidth for videos, content, and images. So if you think it’s worth it, then you should look at how much it would cost.

Choose a hosting company

If you’ve decided to own your blog then you also need to choose a hosting company. A hosting company is a company that puts your website on the internet. You will probably also have to pay for it, so be sure to look into the different host providers so that you’re not too shocked about the prices.

Design your blog

Once all this is sorted out you can start with the fun part of designing your blog. When you’re designing it keep in mind that the theme should reflect your personality and what the blog is about. You wouldn’t want a tennis theme if you’re writing about literature. The theme will also dictate how easy it will be to navigate around the blog, so be sure to pick something that is simple for you and your readers.

As you can see, creating a blog isn’t that difficult. The challenging part is actually coming up with new and regular content. So if you want to run your own blog, make sure that you pick something that is interesting for you so that you won’t get disinterested in the long run.

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