Stay on track of your wellness resolutions

When it comes to New Year’s resolutions most people set ambitious goals and usually within a few short weeks are back to their old habits. “With the blush of December holidays and January’s good intentions behind us, March is the ideal time to re-ignite the interest and stay on track to achieving your wellness goals with a clear, focused strategy”, says Naazneen Sali-Ameen, Nutrition, Health and Wellness Manager at Nestlé South Africa.

Whether you want to set goals to help you eat smarter, move more or live better, Naazneen shares five simple tips to help guide you on your way.

  • Understand why

Before deciding on a goal interrogate and understand why it is important to you. Write out your reasons and keep them nearby. This will give you a greater chance of staying motivated when times get tough.

  • Set S.M.A.R.T goals

Whether you are setting or re-evaluating current goals make sure that they are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-bound so that you have a clear way forward and can monitor your progress.

  • Start small and work your way up

If you set and achieve smaller goals you’ll feel more accomplished and confident when tackling bigger objectives later on.  When your goal seems unachievable you’ll ‘throw in the towel’ before you even get started.

  • Get others involved

We all need a cheerleader, someone in our corner to motive us. Partnering with someone who has the same or similar goals as you will help you feel more accountable, energised, and may even fast-track your progress.

  • Take some ‘time out’

It’s important to set aside time to unwind and recharge. Reconnecting with the important aspects of life can help reduces stress and keep you focused on your goals. Spend time with the people who are important to you, have conversations, laugh and enjoy their company. Get your hands dirty during play time with your kids, kick a ball around or spend some quality time cuddling your pets.

“Remember that making one small change may seem insignificant but it can have a positive knock-on effect in other aspects of your life. In order to reach your goals consistency and perseverance is key,” adds Naazneen.

For some practical tips and exercises which can be easily incorporated into your daily routine, see below.

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