Skills Needed for a Career in Management

If you are interested in exploring a career in management, there are certain skills you will need to make it successful. You can develop these skills by going on management training courses, where you will learn new skills and qualities or you could speak to someone in the management sector and ask them to mentor you in being a good manager.

Outlined below are some of the pertinent skills you will need for a career in management.

Interpersonal skills

If you are looking for training courses in management, one of the most important skills to look out for on their list is the teaching of interpersonal skills. As a manager, being able to build successful relationships is vital, as the role requires you to deal with people on a daily basis.

You will need to set time aside to get to know your team members on both a personal and professional level. This will help you to earn the respect of your colleagues, and you can do this by engaging in social activities and team-building training days. You need to be able to demonstrate your managerial authority while also showing your team that you can speak to them on their level, without looking down on anyone.

Strong communication skills

Effective managers must be masters in  all forms of communication, including listening, verbal and written communication. If you are not able to get your point across clearly and succinctly, then your team may not understand what their job is, making project management highly difficult.

As a team manager, you are the first in line of communication between frontline staff and senior management, meaning that you will need to be able to write perfect memos and emails for both senior staff and your team to understand. You will also need to use listening skills to make your staff comfortable with sharing things with you, such as how a project is progressing and whether they have any problems with colleagues or other issues.

The ability to delegate effectively

A vital management skill that you will learn on many training courses in South Africa is the ability to delegate effectively. As a manager, it might be tempting to simply do a job yourself because it will be quicker and easier, but an effective and efficient manager will delegate jobs to people who have the right knowledge and skills for the job.

This allows a project to be completed on time and in budget, and smart delegation shows your team members that you acknowledge their skills and talents. Delegating is important because it will make your team more effective at their jobs as well as allow you to focus on more important tasks, such as communication with the client and the CEO about how the project is progressing. It is important to remember not to delegate too many tasks to one person, no matter how skilled they are in a field.

Time management skills

Being able to manage and organise your time is one of the most important skills of a manager. You need to be able to manage your time efficiently, so that all tasks are completed on-time and, most importantly, in-budget.

The way you spend your time, and the activities you spend your time on, is very important in a managerial position. You will be required to finish your work within very strict deadlines, and as a manager, you have to answer to senior staff regarding any wasted time. Many training courses will teach you how to manage your own time and the time of your team members, as if your time is mismanaged, this could have a negative effect on the company as a whole.

Strategic thinking is key

As a manager, there are many times when you have to think on your feet, such as when a problem arises in a team meeting or if a deadline is looming but the work is not finished. Strategic thinking skills can be learnt from courses or taught by mentors who have honed their skills over the years.

Professional business management requires you to be able to think ahead and keep the end goal in sight, while also being able to deal with unforeseen circumstances. If you have to make difficult decisions, use your analytical skills and ask team members for their suggestions. Communicating with and listening to your colleagues is part of strategic thinking and is the mark of an effective leader and manager.

Becoming a manager shows that you have worked hard in both your studies and your career, but it is vital to keep building on and improving your managerial skills every year. Not only will this be beneficial to your entire team, you will also learn new skills which will allow you to move forward in your career.

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