7 Tips on How to Impress Your Professor on Your First Day

You’ve probably heard the saying «You only have one chance to make a first impression». At the first glance, you have to be the smartest student in the class for the teacher to remember you. In reality, however, your attitude and effort are the most important elements to get the professor’s attention. 

A good relationship with your teacher will surely enrich your experience and deepen your knowledge. Such kind of friendship will make it easier for you to get recommendations for an internship or even a job after graduation.

So, we’ve created a step-by-step guide on how to make your professor remember you on your first day, and how to uphold your brilliant reputation in the future. 

Do Some Research

Before you get to know the teacher in person, try to learn as much as possible about them. Ask older students about the professor’s character, what they pay attention to, what educational techniques they use and what tasks they assign most often.

No doubt, an essay is the most common type of college assignment, but not the easiest for sure. Fortunately, students can always turn to online essay writing service to get professional assistance with their papers.

Besides, read about your professor on the college website. Most likely, their previous experiences, specialization, and so on will be described there. As for hobbies and interests, perhaps the teacher mentioned something about them on their pages in social networks. 

All this information will help you understand the lecturer better and see things from their perspective. 

Before the Lecture Starts

Come to class a few minutes before the lecture begins. This way, you will have enough time to find a place closer to the teacher, arrange the necessary things on the desk, and start a conversation.

Teachers often pay the most attention to the students sitting in front of them. A student sitting at the first desk, ready to work surely looks like a responsible and diligent person. A seat in the front row makes it possible to perceive the material better and the teacher will surely hear any question you ask. 

Also, the professor will notice your punctuality, which means that you are truly motivated to learn. As for the conversation, walk up to the teacher to say hello and introduce yourself. Ask a couple of questions about the future subject and curriculum, tell the professor about your interests in the field of education. 

Ask how many papers you’ll need to hand in this semester and what topics they will relate to. Knowing the requirements of your professor, you can easily explain them to your favorite essay writing service writers. Following your teacher’s instructions, experienced specialists will do their best to make your work as accurate as possible.

Be Active in Class

Ask the teacher thoughtful and original questions. The right questions can tell a lot about your erudition, knowledge of the subject and show that the topic really interests you.

You can ask a clarifying question during the lecture, for example:

  • «Could you explain the concept in more detail?» 
  • «Why does the author pay more attention to the female characters in this book?», etc.

Be attentive and participate in the discussion. Feel free to respond when a professor asks the audience a question. If you’re not sure about the answer, make your best guess. When you have no assumptions, keep eye contact with the teacher so they can see your engagement.

Talk about the subject with your classmates and the teacher to show your desire to learn and know more. Ask controversial questions and share interesting comments to continue the discussion. For example, you might ask your peers: «Does anyone else find this passage crucial?» or «Do you also have doubts about the character’s motivation?»

Have Good Manners

Be polite, friendly and open-minded with your groupmates and always listen to their ideas. Do not interfere with students expressing their thoughts and never insult your peers. Even if you disagree with something, remember that mutual respect has a key role in any constructive dialogue. The teacher will surely not appreciate behavior that is rude or disrespectful.

Many students make a common mistake of using their phones during class. However, looking at your phone while the professor is giving a lecture is rude. Better turn on the silent mode and put your device away.

Be Focused

When the teacher explains the homework or requirements for a test, be very careful so that you don’t have to clarify anything later. Make notes when the professor recommends some books or materials for extracurricular reading. Also, be an active listener: maintain eye contact, nod, and follow up on the professor’s thoughts when appropriate.

After The Class

When the lesson is over, talk to your teacher about additional assignments you can complete to improve your grade. In addition to that, some professors promote their own extracurricular initiatives or projects. Ask if there are any events, clubs, or activities in which you can take part.

Maintain Your Reputation 

Some teachers have consultations for those having difficulties or problems. To get to know your lecturer better, walk up to them during their extra classes or office time. Don’t forget to prepare questions in advance and bring your lecture notes. 

Always thank your professor for help. If they extended your assignment deadline or made an appointment to talk about your progress, remember to be grateful for doing so. 

Final Thoughts

Of course, it is impossible to be the favorite of every teacher, but you can surely be remembered for your attitude towards learning. If you do your homework properly and are active in class, the professor will certainly notice you. 

In addition to studying diligently, don’t forget about good manners. Always come to class on time and behave respectfully. Besides, you can also attend extracurricular activities to build mutual understanding quicker. 

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