Benefits Of Students To Know Their Genealogy

Learning your genealogy is about discovering your cultural heritage. It is a glimpse at the history of your family, opening up its secrets, physical dispositions, and hobbies. Learning your genealogy is a journey taking you through time and across continents. Do you know your genealogy?

When it comes to their families’ history, many people respond that they live now and do not care about their past. Nonetheless, it is a great mistake as your family’s past has the key to your future.

What Is Genealogy And Why Is It Important?

Genealogy is determined as an account of the descent of a person, family, or group from an ancestor or from older forms; the study of family ancestral lines. To put it in other words, it is the process of learning your historical background.

Learning your roots is always interesting. It is a dialog with ancestors, helping people to find their place in life.

Not all countries have genealogy databases, where you can find all information about your family. Thus, it will be great if, one day, you will start a small archive, revealing interesting facts about your family, siblings, and relatives.

Just imagine what a great contribution you will make to preserve your family’s history for the next generations! To arrange all information properly and make the content of your genealogy book look flawless, you can contact Online Writers Rating or Writing Judge providing the best writing service reviews.

Why Is It Important To Know Your Genealogy?

In the late 1990s, the psychologists Dr. Marshall Duke and Robyn Fivush of Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, hold many types of research on the impact of genealogy.

One of them was held with kids. Robert Fivush noted:

There seems to be something that’s particularly important about children knowing where they came from in a larger sense and having a sense of family history and a family place.

The researchers asked 20 “Do You Know?” questions to children in 48 families, related to their family members. As a result, they discovered that the young respondents who knew more about their family history had:

  • Stronger sense of control over their lives;
  • Higher self-esteem;
  • Stronger belief in the importance of family traditions;
  • Higher ranking on emotional health and happiness.

Moreover, by hearing about their relatives overcoming difficulties, the new generations learnt to deal with their own problems. Many families often focus on telling positive stories to their children rather than negative ones.

Nonetheless, there are teachable moments in both of them. Negative stories, for example, can be even more important as they foster the development of emotional resilience, moderating the effects of stress.

Top 5 Advantages of Learning Your Genealogy

Your family genealogy will expose you to many interesting details about your family.

  • Genetic disposition to illnesses. By researching your family tree, you can determine the diseases you have a genetic predisposition to. This means that you can timely take measures to prevent those diseases from you and your children.
  • Lost and found. Due to many reasons, people still loose connection with their relatives. The genealogy records will help you find obscure people in your family tree that may not appear in any other records. Thus, you can find some new siblings who had no idea about your existence either.
  • Arts and crafts. Many young students these days face the need for choosing their profession. They apply to universities and later drop them, looking for something their soul tends to. One of the best ways to help your kid find his way in life is to study your genealogy. Perhaps, the achievements of one of your ancestors will get him inspired to follow in the footsteps of the famous relative.
  • Deeper personal identity. An unstable social environment, social exclusion, and constant search for meaning in life make people turn to their roots. While living in a foreign country, it is highly important to save one’s individuality and traditions. If you feel lost in this world, try visiting the motherland of your ancestors. This often helps people find the answers, which turn their lives upside-down.
  • Mental stimulation. Exploring the genealogy gives people not only a chance to reconnect with their ancestors but learn things about relatives they never knew. Some studies showed that this cognitive process lowers a person’s blood pressure and heart rate.

If you want a happier life and family, do not afraid to learn and retell the story of your family’s experience. Furthermore, do not forget to write your own history by documenting your life and connecting with the people that are alive right now.

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