How students can start their own business

Maybe you look up to Mark Zuckerberg or Cameron Johnson and dream of following in their footsteps. Maybe you want to make it big while you’re young and have no responsibilities. You’re motivated, amped and

5 Tips to Find Cheap Student Flights

Whether you’re embarking on a well deserved holiday to a foreign country or perhaps just a short trip over the weekend to visit family, flight costs are always a pain. The cost of the flight

Mistakes that could turn a living situation sour.

At the end of high school, many cannot wait to go to University/College and be free from the “imprisonment” of their parent’s house rules and regulations; therefore when presented with the opportunity many students choose

How to find a career that excites you

When you were asked as a child what you wanted to be when you were older, the answers may have come quickly and easily. They could have ranged from being a president to being a

How to get through your first year

You spent the past twelve years working hard and now you’re about to transition into a whole new phase of life. You’re probably excited and nervous at the same time about this next step you’ll

Why every student needs a part time job

Varsity should be the best time of your life. Filled with meeting new friends, going out at whatever time you want and stuffing your face with unhealthy food. But if you find yourself struggling to

Things to do in your gap year

You may have decided to take a gap year because you’re undecided about what you want to do with the rest of your life. Or perhaps you just want to take a break from books.

Tips for choosing the right career path

You’ll spend forty hours at work each week. And if you’ve chosen the wrong career, you’ll end up being frustrated. Some decisions are more critical than others and your career is one of them. In