10 Most Effective Tips to Boost Your Chances of Getting a Job

Applying for a job might seem easy: you just send your CV to a company and then wait for them to reach out to you.

Nevertheless, there’s more that goes into the process of job hunting, even more so if you’re applying for a position in a competitive and demanding area.

In this article, you’ll learn ten most effective tips to boost your chances of getting a job.

1.     Get Networking

We live in a digital era, so many in-person activities have moved on to the online form.

Specifically, with the Covid-19 pandemic, the percentage of remote working, recruiting, and education increased dramatically.

So, handing out resumes isn’t enough to get a job.

Instead, start networking by signing up on different job sites such as Linkedin, Indeed, Monster, and more.

Then, create a good profile with a picture, a description, and some education titles.

Next, you can start browsing the sites and applying for more jobs at once so you have a higher chance of becoming employed.

2.     Prepare Your CV

One of the first things you do before applying for a job is writing a Curriculum Vitae.

Generally, a résumé has information about your education, skills, and job experiences in chronological order.

These three elements can help you create a decent CV, but you might want to be more specific if you wish to upgrade it and increase your employment chances.

Here are a few details to look for when building your CV:

  • Description. Here you can add a brief description of yourself. Try to add relevant soft skills such as “good at receiving constructive criticism” or “can follow specific guidelines but also work independently.”
  • Education. You can add all the titles you have with the name of the institutions. Don’t forget to specify all the official courses you took, even if they aren’t necessarily in the same area of expertise as the job you want. If you apply as an engineer, but you took hairstyling courses, your potential employer might remember you easily or relate to you more, which can help you get ahead of other recruits.
  • Work experience. List all the jobs you had in the past and include internships. This is especially useful for young people who are trying to get employed for the first time.
  • Hobbies and other abilities. Here you should add sports, past-time activities, languages, and other secondary traits. These qualities might seem irrelevant, but they might add a personal touch to the résumé. For example, suppose you’re applying as an assistant. If your CV says that you’re good at sports, your employer might think you’re physically fit and ready to run errands more efficiently.

3.     Clear Your Socials

Your work profiles aren’t the only public accounts that should look impeccable. Your Instagram, Facebook, and other socials should be clean too.

Nowadays, employers use social media to check their candidates’ identities and make up their minds.

Therefore, having opinionated tweets, explicit photos, or other controversial content on your social pages is never useful.

So, before you apply for any position, make sure your socials are tidy.

4.     Apply For Different Jobs

You might think that you should apply just for the job you studied for. That isn’t a beneficial approach because many companies offer great positions even if you’re not specialized in that area.

You might have to work similar jobs before you get to work on your dream job.

For example, you work part-time as a blogger or a writer at bestessays.com while you’re working on becoming a full-time journalist.

So, apply for various professions, see which accept you, then choose between your options.

5.     Expect Rejection But Don’t Let It Discourage You

You won’t have a 100% success rate, but that’s common.

You might apply for many jobs and have to wait a lot of time even to get a letter that says, “we are processing your application.” This is not unusual in the work market.

So, don’t let rejections and failures discourage you. Especially if you’re debuting in your field, remember that it takes time and patience to get a job, even more so after a pandemic.

6.     Don’t Refuse Temporary Jobs

Maybe you want to apply for a job at a company you resonate with, but they only have temporary positions.

A lot of people wouldn’t consider the job because it’s not long-term.

This is a terrible approach because most temporary jobs can quickly turn into permanent ones if you do your job well or because of luck.

So, don’t refuse temporary jobs if you think you’ll like them.

7.     Insist

If you want to work in a specific office, don’t let the recruiter make up their mind just from your CV.

Try to call and message them because they might like you and consider you for the job.

By showing interest and determination, you increase your chances of getting hired.

8.     Ask Your College And Friends To Help

If you’re debuting in your field, you might want to ask your teacher and friends to help.

Also, you can participate in internships organized by the school or work with your teachers.

This is a fantastic option as it directs you straight into the profession you specialized for.

9.     Be Yourself

Even if we live in a digital world, people still prefer more friendly people. They want to know that they’re talking to real people with real identities.

So, don’t try to cover your true colors as it may give off cold energy. You want to be professional, not robotic.

10.  Update Your Accounts

Last but not least, don’t forget to update your online accounts, socials, and CV.

That’s because, as mentioned before, employers often look for engaged people who can network easily.


To increase your odds of getting hired, try to be specific about your skills, education, and work experiences in your CV and socials. Then, try to network and socialize with your potential employers. Lastly, don’t get discouraged if you get rejected.

Justin Osborne is a writer at bestessays.com, he loves to share his thoughts and opinions about education, writing and blogging with other people on different blogs and forums. Currently, he is working as a content marketer at write my essay uk.

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