10 ways to make money as a student

Once upon a time, students needed to fund their way through university by working in fast food chains or grotty pubs. Now, thanks to the internet, new opportunities have opened up allowing this generation of lazy learners to raise their beer funds online. Of course, the classics still provide a job option but here are a few more suggestions for students to make money.

Online surveys

There is no shortage of online surveys out there desperate for your opinions on just about anything. It has become an essential part of consumer based research and can be done in your own time between classes at your own pace. The downside is purely that in order to really score from this option you really need to take as many as possible.

Mystery shopping

What was once a much more difficult to get into option has been opened up by new media, in this case an app that allows you to become a mystery shopper. Complete numerous pre-set tasks in and around your local area and receive cash rewards to your PayPal account. Of course, you can always opt for the much more complicated procedure of waiting for the acceptance of the old fashioned agencies who also pay you to go shopping and feedback your consumer experience.

Web search

Why not keep things simple and get paid for an everyday activity? I mean, web searching has to be one of the easiest ways to make money online by doing all the normal internetty type things you’d be doing anyway. Sites that an arrange this, will require you install a browser add-on that documents your searching before offering cash rewards.

Sell your notes

For cash, let others much lazier students than yourself, piggy back your genius by sharing your class notes at a price. Just visit some of the online websites where you can upload your files and name your price then, when another student downloads them, you’ll get paid you’re commission. Speaking of commission, most hosting sites will want a cut from your profits but fortunately don’t charge for listing.

Create an online Poker Career

Did you know that Norwegian Annette Obrestad was just 15 when she began playing online poker? Perfecting her game in the free play rooms, she now has close to $4m in lifetime live poker tournament earnings and never deposited from her personal funds. So, what we’re basically saying is, that for those dedicated enough to do their homework, online poker can provide a good enough lifestyle, not just for a student but after university too!

With the rise of online poker sites, looking for the most valuable one can be quite difficult. You need to look at what will benefit you the most, what will make you the most money as a student such as welcome bonuses.  If you want to start your poker career this South African tailored guide has the best sites and tips to help you get started.

YouTube videos

Thanks to the recently introduced YouTube Partner Program people at home (I’m looking at you student) can now profit from making and uploading videos. More YouTube videos are watched by consumers than searches are performed on Google and, for your part in the process, you’ll be rewarded a percentage of any advertising revenue generated per 1,000 views. This is another new age option that has rewarded its very best earners with millions allowing them to make it a whole new career. Like former porn star, Sandy Summers who now hosts an extremely popular children’s toy channel from her Miami home and brings in around $5m a year.

Take Fiverr

Make your monies by selling services with Fiverr, the world’s largest marketplace for such things. Known as gigs, these service can include teaching, making music or art. If you’re not fed up with writing endless essays, you can provide writing or even translating services. The name for the project is Fiverr because, as you may have already guessed, the default price for your services is $5 which isn’t much but the gigs are recyclable meaning you can earn and re-earn as much as you like.

Review websites & apps

Seeing as a lazy student like yourself spends what’s left of the day after you’ve finally got up, on the Web all day anyway, why not turn your browsing into cash.  Similar to taking surveys, there are loads of consumer research platforms, eager to pay you for your options on their client’s sites or apps.

Be a TV extra

There is no business like show business and even the most ugly, talentless student can be paid to be a part of it. All you need to do is find one of those online agencies and apply to be an extra. Pay is usually upwards of a day rate of £60 which isn’t bad at all for a student but you’ll more than likely be needed on set bright and early so lay off the Jagerbombs and have an early night if this is the option for you.

Be the Pizza guy

Got license, give pizza. Everybody lives pizza so why not deliver the takeaway favourite between classes? Like working in a bar, loads of good student folk opt for this traditional fund raising part time easy peasy delivery job and they can’t all be wrong can they?

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