Career Tips for People with Disabilities

Entering the your career workforce is hard enough as it is, and if you have a disability of some form, this can be become even more strenuous. Unfortunately, in our modern society, disabilities still have a stigma attached to them, leading people to see and interpret them as a hindrance. Fortunately, we have disability awareness month, and a variety of organisations and individuals who take it upon themselves to prove the stigma otherwise.

If you’ve recently finished matric, or are looking to enter the job market as a disabled youth, Hippo have put together some tips to ensure your success in the workplace.

Firstly, you need to know your rights. Advocate Bokankatla Malatji, Commissioner at the South African Human Rights Commission highlights the Employment Equity Act. This act prohibits unfair discrimination in the workplace, promotes equal protection for all employees, and ensures employment opportunities are available to those properly qualified, abled and disabled. This is something you and employers need to be aware of so that your rights are acknowledged in the process.

Secondly, know the various avenues available to you in terms of finding employment. The team at Robert Walters, a specialist professional recruitment consultancy advises to get in touch with recruitment agencies, and to keep your eye out on online platforms such as LinkedIn. As a matter of extreme importance, it is strongly advised to disclose your disability within your CV and job application forms, as being upfront and honest can only stand you in good stead during your employment processes.

If you’re engaging in the world of work for the first time, or looking to re-enter it as a disabled person, it helps to speak to the professionals who are there to help. In the meantime, read the full article on Career Guidance for People with Disabilities and you might find extra tips to help you on your way.

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