9 ways to impress your lecturer

We all know that if you want to succeed as a student, you need to study hard, take notes in class and do all your assignments. That’s how you do well at school. But there’s a missing ingredient to this formula which could improve your marks and help you better understand your subject. And that missing link is spending more time with your lecturer and building a relationship with them. They’ll assist you with concerns you may have about exams and assignments, give you career guidance and help you navigate their subject.

Here are 9 ways to impress your lecturer.

Time is money

Getting to class late disrupts a class and won’t leave a good impression with your lecturer. Some lecturers kick out students who come late and you don’t want to be that person leaving the room with a red face.


If you sit at the back of a lecture hall, it’s usually filled with the kids who want to scroll through Facebook, doodle things on their notepads, read magazines or chat. If you sit there, you may get distracted. Choosing a place at the front will force you to pay attention and listen clearly to what the lecturer has to say. Make yourself visible and sit in the same place so your lecturer can always find you.

Raise your hand

Sometimes when the lecturer asks students a question, the class is so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Don’t make your lecturer feel like they’ve wasted their time. Participate in class, ask questions and share your viewpoints on the topic. Ever notice that sometimes the lecturer will know a certain person’s name? This isn’t because they’re the teacher’s pet (although it may look that way), it’s because that student makes an effort in class and contributes to the conversation.

After hours

Lecturers offer after hours appointments where you can ask them questions on topics you may not have understood during a previous lecture or in your textbook. Your lecturer will probably be able to explain things to you extensively because they aren’t pressured by time like they are in class. And there won’t be other students present so you’ll have their undivided attention. Setting appointments with your lecturer will show you’re dedicated and keen to go the extra mile for your education.

If you have an assignment that’s due, but you have a life or death situation on your hands, let your lecturer know. They could give you an extension or a solution to help you solve your problem.

Body language

Nothing says you’re bored more than slouching in your seat and looking anywhere other than at the person speaking. Lecturers are human beings too. If you show them that you’re bored, it could offend them. Show that you’re in tune with what the lecturer is saying, nod in agreement to show that you understand.

The devil is in the details

Make sure when you type your assignments that you dot your Is and cross your Ts. Avoid grammar and spelling mistakes at all costs. And when you write your exams, make sure your handwriting is neat and legible so your lecturer won’t have to squint their eyes to make out what you’re trying to say.

Hand in work on time

Turn assignments in on time. Don’t leave your work until the last minute. Some lecturers minus a certain percentage each day your assignment is late and others won’t accept them at all. Make sure you manage your time so you’ll be able to research and type your assignment as well as hand it in on time.


Thank your lecturer on the way out of class. Your lecturer has spent hours preparing their lecture for you and your classmates. A little appreciation can go a long way and, most importantly, they’re are likely to remember you.

Email etiquette

When you email your lecturer, keep it formal because they are an authority figure and not your friend. Don’t use emoticons and slang in your email, use proper punctuation and grammar. You should also avoid being rude or personal. For example, if your lecturer forgot to mark a paragraph in your test, don’t be rude in your email. You still have to spend an entire term with them

Whether you’re enrolled in an HR management course or a Marketing course, making a good impression on your lecturer could take your marks to the next level. Your lecturers are there to offer you assistance and help you pass those exams. They are not out to get you (although it may feel that way sometimes).

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