Ditch the Office: Statistics and Facts About Remote Work

Since the beginning of the 21st century, it has become much more complicated for most industries to keep up with the times, as technological advancement became almost exponential. Therefore, a specific model has been created with the idea of giving employees a plethora of conveniences, while saving millions, or even billions of dollars and having much higher productivity at the same time. The model in question is the remote work model.

The following information is nothing less than factual. In the infographic you’ll see below, we pointed out some interesting statistics about remote work. For instance, the remote work model is projected to become the predominant business model of the future, as there was an increment of some 159% of remote workers between the years 2005 and 2017, regardless of whether they worked part-time or full-time. We should probably mention that none of these workers were self-employed or freelancing, but working for legitimate American companies. These companies chose cutting not only severe office costs but their workers’ stress, anxiety, and work-induced misery by giving them time for themselves and their loved ones.

The privileges of remote work are not only numerous but very convenient for those utilizing them. Almost all remote workers favorize flexible hours, so they can properly organize their time for sleeping, working, entertainment, learning new skills or brushing up on old ones, healthy eating, exercising, spending time with their loved ones, and similar. Additionally, roughly 82% of surveyed remote workers report that they no longer have insomnia, distress, poor sleeping schedules, etc. More than two-thirds of all employees surveyed get more work done in less time, even in environments that require teamwork.

Another noteworthy information revolves around America’s projections of remote work increment. By 2027, roughly 51% of the United States’ workforce will be involved or fully working remotely, from the comfort of their home office, with millions of dollars saved on workers’ transport, insurance, office costs and supplies, and taxes related to all those things.

A venture into remote work can be terrific if your company offers an option for this work model. That, of course, applies not only to those working for corporations and smaller businesses but for self-employed people and freelancers as well. If you work for a larger company or corporation, you can start by adding a weekday of remote work to see how it works for you and your superiors. You can then see whether you will eventually decide to work remotely for most of the workweek.

Through this infographic, we look to inform you as much as possible before you make your decision regarding the further development of your career. Even though most people who work remotely would not change this work model for the rest of their careers and highly recommend it to others, it is essential to gather the necessary information to know what to expect. That said, check out what our infographic has in store for you.

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