Habits of highly successful students

It’s a common belief that studying hard will ensure good marks. But experts suggest you study smart not hard. Cramming an entire term’s worth of work in the night before an exam is a terrible idea. This studying strategy will not see you achieving high marks. Poor study methods could lead to failure. You need to invest in tools and techniques which will help you perform better and remain productive.

Here are a few ways you can boost your marks.

Time management

Students who achieve good marks know how to manage their time and use it effectively. Learning to manage your time will make you more productive and take the pressure off. Find the time which works best for you, a time when you’re most productive. Are you a night owl or a morning person? Some people study better late at night and others prefer early mornings.

Get a good night’s rest

As a student, you could be pulling caffeine-fueled all-nighters but this could lead to having a fuzzy brain. If you want to get good marks you should get enough sleep.Your brain needs plenty of rest in order to boost your memory and concentration. Sleep deprivation will slow you down and could affect your memory. Try to get seven to eight hours of sleep each night in order to perform better at school.


You should take short breaks and include a workout into your day. Exercise has been proven to boost your brain power and helps release endorphins which make you feel good and combat stress. Exercise helps with blood circulation which helps increase your energy levels.

Study zone

Your study area should be a space where you won’t be easily distracted. Don’t study in a noisy environment or in your bed. You should also make sure it’s clean and clutter free. You need to be organised because if it takes you some time to find your notes or textbooks you’re eating into your studying time.

Study methods

Find the study method which suits you best. Figuring out what type of learner you are will help you study better because you’ll be able to use methods which help you perform better. Find out the type of learner you are:

  • Visual learners prefer images
  • Auditory learners prefer using sounds and music to study,
  • Verbal learners prefer using words to study
  • Kinesthetic learn by using physical movement
  • Social learners prefer studying in groups
  • Solitary learners prefer to study alone

Attend classes

Bunking classes might seem ideal when your bed is warm and comfortable and you’re too lazy to wake up in the morning. But you could miss some important information in class. Attending your classes is crucial because the lecturer will explain the study material and highlight what’s important to study for an exam and what to leave out. And the class discussion could give you a better understanding of the subject.

Time off

All work and no play make Jack a dull boy. If you work tirelessly and don’t take time out to relax and destress you’ll burnout. When you’re feeling pressured you can take a five minute walk just to clear your head or watch a movie if you need a longer breakaway. Taking a break from the books is important because it’ll make you more productive and help you retain more information.

Pay attention

If you spend your time doodling in class or reading magazines then you’re wasting your time. Pay attention to what the lecturer is saying. You could also change your seating position if you feel it’ll help you to concentrate more. If you find yourself getting distracted sitting at the back because other students are chatting, you should move to the front.

Study group

Two or more heads are better than one. If you want to improve your marks then you should consider joining a study group. Study groups can help you gain a fresh perspective and help with solving complex problems. Other members of the group can also give you new techniques on how to study for your subject.

Switch off your phone

Most students tend to spend most of their time on social media instead of studying. Scrolling through Instagram to see Beyonce’s latest foodgram will not help you pass your exams. A little sacrifice can go a long way and your phone can be a distraction so you should turn it off to ensure you have an effective study session.


The famous author Olin Miller was quoted as saying, “If you want to make an easy job mighty hard, just keep putting off doing it”. Submitting your assignments late or last minute studying for a test could be a recipe for disaster.

Most people want to do well at school but have poor study methods. You need to find out what techniques work best for you and your marks will improve. Managing your time and identifying your learning style can make all the difference. Whether you’re a finance student or are studying an HR management course online you need to learn the right tools to help you study better.

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