Quick And Essential Guide To Password Security

When it comes to having online accounts, passwords are required to access your own accounts, while keeping other users (especially, hackers) out. However, with technology being more sophisticated nowadays, hackers are more likely to get into accounts within seconds, and then infiltrate personal belongings, and even companies.

So, what can you do to ensure better password security? Read on in this quick and essential guide to password security!

The Stats

Did you know that almost 2/3 of people use the same password for more than one online account? That’s never good, because chances are, someone will figure out the password either by chance or with a password generator, and they’ll take advantage of your multiple accounts if that password strings them together. That’s why it’s always recommended to use different passwords for different accounts.

The Don’ts

  • Placing Personal Info In Passwords

Placing personal information in your passwords is a big NO-NO. Personal information can be easily figured out in a password, and can also give hackers more than just your passwords. So, avoid using the following info when creating your passwords:

  • Your name
  • Date of birth
  • Your birthday
  • Your address
  • The place where you live, etc.

Reusing Passwords

You can never reuse passwords, because chances are, hackers will come across lists of compromised email addresses and passwords, which are often leaked online. “When accounts are compromised, your passwords can be figured out … and so will your date of birth, or your address, or any other personal stuff when placed in your password,” says Felix Clarckson, a tech writer at Writing Populist and Resumention.

The Reality

The truth is, password-related cyber attacks can happen at any time, anywhere.

For example, a brute-force attack happens when hackers use a software to guess every possible combination until it gets to your password, often generating the most commonly-used passwords first before more complicated combinations.

The solution? BitNinja comes with the Log Analysis module, which can automatically recognize and analyze the most common log files on your server. As such, BitNinja blocks brute-force attacks, along with other cyber hacks. Malicious IP addresses get gray-listed right away with real-time IP Reputation module; and all log files are monitored to ensure that your server gets up-to-date protection.

The How-To’s

So, now that you know how important it is to have password security, it’s time to get down to business! Here are 5 tips for ensuring that your passwords are strong and secure:

  1. Put Nonsense Into Passwords

Try to make your passwords as nonsensical as possible. In other words, make your passwords purposefully long, and filled with random words and phrases. Words and phrases that aren’t found in the dictionary are often harder to crack. In other words, stay away from using the word “qwerty” (the first 6 letters on the keyboard).

  • Change Passwords Regularly

You update online profiles regularly; so, why not update your passwords regularly as well? “This is especially true for profiles that hold sensitive information – these profiles must have their passwords regularly updated PERIOD. No one can afford to have their data compromised, because they’ve had their old password for years,” explains Oliver Richmond, a writer at HuffPost and Via Writing.

Just keep in mind: Once you go from an old password to a new one, you should never use the old one again.

  • Don’t Forget Numbers, Symbols, And Upper And Lowercase Letters

Besides putting nonsense into your passwords, you should also consider sprinkling numbers, symbols, and even upper and lowercase letters. These letters and characters make your password more complicated to guess at jump. Plus, capitalizing or lowercasing letters can make your passwords more unique.

  • Never Tell Anyone Your Passwords

This is a big one: NO ONE must know your passwords. No one.

Make sure that your password can’t be seen when you write it down, or type it into your computer or device. Plus, don’t ever display your passwords on, say, your computer screen.

  • Use A Password Manager

Finally, password managers are useful in making sure that your passwords are encrypted, and are kept in a safe place where you can access them with a master “key” (password). Plus, they can help generate and store strong passwords for you.

Keep in mind: You may want to have multiple password managers, so that you’re using the same one in many locations.


So, there you have it!

By taking the time to learn the dos and don’ts of password security, and how to manage your passwords, then your profiles – especially ones with sensitive data – are kept away from hackers.

Emily Henry is a writer and editor at Top essay writing services in Australia and Student writing services. As an eLearning consultant at Essay Services, she specialises in social media, computer science, and business management.

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