First Date Tips

He’s good looking, well mannered, funny, smart and has just asked you out on a date. You over the moon about this (cause you get to spend time with your #MCM) but also just as nervous.

Well stress no more because we got your back with these 10 first date tips to ease those nerves.

Beauty Sleep 

Ensure that you get enough rest as possible before the date. Get at least 8 hours of sleep the night before the date.

Wear Appropriate clothing 

I can’t emphasise how important it is to dress for your body shape and size. With that said, it’s also just as important to dress accordingly to the occasion of the date.

If you going bowling then a pair of jeans, stylish top and comfortable shoes will do. If you going to a fancy restaurant then a pair of stylish heels and that sexy black dress that hugs your body in the right places is perfect.


Your emotions are all over the place. You excited yet nervous at the same time. You don’t know whether you coming or going and that’s perfectly fine. Just take a few deep breaths.

Inhale. Exhale. Repeat!


This might sound tedious but hey… smile whilst you getting ready, smile whilst you on your way to the date, smile when you arrive at the venue and most importantly smile when you meet your date.

This helps your date to see you as someone who is happy, welcoming and optimistic. Therefore getting them to relax.

Be confident 

We all know the famous quote that goes a little like this, ‘the best accessory a girl can own is confidence’ and that my dear friend is 100% true.

Be safe 

Ensure that you inform your family or a really close friend about your date. Let them know where it will be taking place, who you are with, what you are wearing and the activities you have lined up.


Do a bit of a background check of the person you going on a date with. Look them up on social media and see what they are about. You will thank me later for this…

Pre-prepare a few questions

Just in case the conversation doesn’t flow as smoothly as it should have some questions that you can ask your date so that there isn’t that awkward silence.

Ask simple lighted-hearted questions that allow you to get to know your date better but also doesn’t scare him off.

For instance, if you noticed on is Instagram page that he is a sports fan, ask him questions around that. I can promise you that this will score you some brownie points.

Arrive on time

‘I’m only 10 minutes late’ excuse ain’t going to fly. You trying to make a good impression and arriving late paints the the image that you don’t value the date.

If you do encounter something that was beyond your control like there was a car crash on the road, therefore unforeseen traffic. Do notify your date and keep them updated with how far you really are.

Have fun  

Let you hair and enjoy the moment. No matter what happens – good or bad just have fun.

There you have it. Now go out there and slay that first date ;).

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