5 Tips for Better Sleep at College

Cram sessions to prep for an exam, late-night study groups, entire afternoons spent at the library while you spend the nights revising before the exam, it’s all a regular part of college life. In fact, some students might even agree that this is what makes up 90% of college life altogether: sleepless nights paired with energy drinks and snacks. After all, you need to pass all those exams and still make some time for college parties, birthdays, and visiting your family during the holidays, which also means hours spent at numerous airports and traveling across the country.

One could say that being a college student can really do a number on your sleep cycle and wreak havoc on your health. However, paying more attention to your wellbeing and taking better care of yourself should be a top priority, much like getting good grades and finishing your workload in time. When you’re ready to do that, you should add the following tips into your routine to boost your sleep quality and feel better over time.

Include power naps in your schedule

There’s a reason they’re called power naps – they can completely recharge your batteries and help you feel refreshed after only 10 or 20 minutes of rest. This is one of those extremely efficient sleeping hacks that can help you go through your finals with ease, since you can adapt it to your schedule, and work it into every single day when you notice you cannot retain any more information.

Create a comfortable little nook where you can close your eyes in silence and enjoy some alone time while you sink into a quick, restful nap. This is key to making the most of this little habit, so try to avoid noisy places where someone can startle you while you’re still resting.

Talk to your doctor

Not everyone deals with the same workload during college, and if your exams, the stress of it all, and lack of sleep have affected your health in any other way, too, you should seek advice from your physician. Since you’re a student, and you need to be money-smart when making these choices, perhaps looking into health insurance compare platforms will help you find a policy that both gives you the right coverage and doesn’t drain your limited budget.

Then, you’ll have access to someone who can guide you through this process and you’ll be able to deal with the problem, whether it’s insomnia, burnout, or anything in between. Make sure that you have that coverage, and you’ll remove another source of stress which could be causing you to have trouble sleeping, too.

Get active in the morning

Although the focus of this article is on getting more rest during your college years, your exercise regime actually plays a vital role in the process of improving your sleep quality. For instance, when you work out on a regular basis, you balance your hormones, elevate your energy, and you get properly tired towards the end of the day when it’s time to turn in. 

To make the most of your day, start every morning with a brief exercise routine, cycle in the fresh air, or jog in the park. It can be a home-based routine, too, for example if there’s a nearby home yoga studio with guided classes you can join, you’ll keep yourself energized all day long.

Reduce tech-time before bed

Too much screen time is no good for your eyesight, focus, nor is it healthy for your sleep. In fact, the more time you spend staring at your phone or tablet just before bed, the more you expose your brain to artificial light that forces it to stay awake for longer even when you’re finally ready to go to bed.

Ditch the phone and all other tech gear at least an hour, and preferably longer, before you go to sleep. This will help you relax and you’ll feel much better for it every single day.

Create your own unwinding ritual

If you cannot afford to take up a yoga class, or your schedule isn’t as flexible to add another activity, you can actually make your own relaxing routine just before sleep. It’s sometimes not enough to just avoid your phone or the TV in the one or two hours before bed. When you need that extra effort to detox from stress and unwind, you can light up a few scented candles and meditate.

Alternatively, you can play soothing music and read a good book. Gentle stretches and specific yoga positions help you release tension from your muscles, and they’re great for preparing yourself for sleep. All in all, you can create a combination that suits you and use it every night to get more sleep and not toss and turn in your bed all night thinking about the upcoming exam. 

Life can get pretty hectic while you’re in college, but you can definitely do so much to refine your schedule, be smart with your study sessions, and still ace those exams without a hitch. In fact, the more you take care of your sleep schedule, the better you’ll be at your studies, because ample sleep helps your brain function better, retain more information, and it helps you think clearly. Sleep is the most vital investment in your college years, so you should be mindful of your needs before you pull another all-nighter with your college friends. 

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