Staying fit: the student edition

Yeah, you’ve got a whole lot going on. You’ve got a test to prepare for, readings and about 600 assignments all due in the space of three weeks. And then you’re still expected to pitch up at class or join the discussions online. It’s understandable you don’t have time for much else.

But keeping fit is important for your health (both mental and physical). And you don’t need an over-priced gym membership to do it. There are some great ways to work up a sweat, while still maintaining your student lifestyle.

Start an informal sports team

If you aren’t already playing a sport on your school’s team, it probably means you aren’t really keen on it. You either don’t think you have what it takes to get competitive or you simply don’t want to. But that doesn’t mean you can’t start your own Saturday morning rugby or basketball game just for fun. Get some friends together and have some non-competitive sporting fun. The point is to get active, not to win. However, that doesn’t mean you don’t get bragging rights if you make a good shot or score the winning goal.


If you’re not a teamplayer (even in an informal setting) then running might be perfect for you. It’s a solitary way to work up a sweat and it gives you time to clear your head between essays and tests. You don’t need to invest in any fancy equipment, you just need a decent pair of running shoes to get you started. And if you want to be a bit more social, you can invite some friends to join you on your runs. Of course, you should double check that you’re running correctly to make sure you don’t injure yourself in the long term.

Take a class

Not all classes take place in a fancy studio and cost an arm and a leg. You’ll find there are loads of well-priced (or even free) classes you can take on campus or around town. It doesn’t matter if you take a dance class from a first year drama student or do yoga in someone’s living room. It’s all about the exercise.

Keep fit on-the-go

Cycling and skateboarding are great ways to exercise and get to where you need to be at the same time. You save on petrol and keep fit – it’s a win-win situation. Of course, you will have to invest in the equipment. If you’re not planning on going pro, you don’t have to buy the most expensive skateboard or bicycle. But if you choose to hit the trails and rocks, make sure you have the right mountain bike parts because you can’t afford to have it fall apart while you’re making your way down a mountain.

Just because your life is hectic and the only thing on your mind is getting that degree, diploma or certification, it doesn’t mean you should let your health suffer. Fitness is important and you need to stay active, even with your chaotic schedule.

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