Keep your first kitchen safe

If you are about to move out of your parents’ home for the first time and into a digs or your own flat then there’s a lot to consider. This is a big step and while you probably feel all grown up in many different ways, living alone is a big change. Caring for a home, even if it’s just a small flat, is a big responsibility. You need to make sure you live in a safe, clean and respectable manner. And, that can seem like a lot to tackle especially if you’re studying and working at the same time.

When considering your new home you need to look at safety first. One of the rooms in your home that requires you having some serious safety measures in place is the kitchen. It is also one of the rooms in your new home that will have the most traffic as your friends and family are likely to congregate there when visiting. Cooking is fun and cooking with company is even better. It is common practice for your guests to follow you in the kitchen to keep you company while you prepare food. It is smart to make sure that your kitchen is safe first, then comfortable and then trendy.

Here are some of the basics of safety in the kitchen

Consider the precarious spaces in the kitchen. Where are you knives stored? Have you got sufficient fire protection in place and do you even know what to do should a fire break out? Have you bought the right cleaning products to ensure that all bacteria is removed from your surfaces, cleaning stations and so on? Are you aware of the wet areas in the kitchen so that you might prevent people (or yourself) from slipping? These sound like obvious things to pay attention to but when you first have to take on these responsibilities it can be a lot to remember. However, leaving your cutting board unsanitised after having cut up chicken pieces could cause salmonella and that is no easy illness to manage.

Put sharp things away

Make sure you store all you sharp utensils in drawers or knives in a wooden block. This means that they are stored away and only taken out when needed. If they’re left lying around the could slip off the countertop or someone might lean on them by mistake and an accident could occur.

Dress appropriately

When you’re cooking tie up your long hair and don’t cook in your comfy oversized hoodie. Anything hanging over a hot stove risks burning or, worse, catching fire. What’s more, you don’t want your clothing stained by your food stuffs or hair falling into your dish.

Go gas to save money and ensure safety

If your new flat doesn’t have a built in oven and hob then consider investing in a gas stove. It is often considered a better option in comparison to electric stoves. Gas stoves offer you instant heat and you can control the heat with precision by turning the flame up or down. Also, as soon as you turn the flame down and off, the heat is gone. There’s no danger of overcooking if you want to leave your pot on the stove top. Of course, gas stoves save you on electricity as they make use of natural gas and are not even attached to the electrics of the house and gas is cheaper. Gas stoves are as easy to clean and most are built to last. And, as long as you switch the gas off whenever you done using the stove it is extremely safe.

Make sure you can keep things cold

You must have a proper fridge that will keep your food refrigerated so that it doesn’t spoil. Everything from meats, poultry, fish, vegetables and dairy will become rotten quickly if they are not in the fridge. And, worse than this just being an unpleasant situation to find yourself in, it’s also very unhealthy and rotten food can contaminate the foodstuffs around it. It is a good idea to have some understanding of cross-contamination of harmful bacteria from one raw food to another. You must store your raw foods correctly to take precautions. You must also wash your hands before and after handling raw foods as your hands can be the reason for cross-contamination.

Make sure your wires aren’t crossed

Double check all of your electrics. Fix any appliances that are frayed and sort your cords and plugs sufficiently. Your electrical appliances must be kept dry and removed from any wet surfaces. Electrical appliances in the kitchen include kettles, toasters, juicers, microwaves and so on.

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