4 Reasons Why Meditation Will Improve Your Writing Creativity

You’re probably tired of reading articles on how meditation is the new superhero of the world. Many yoga enthusiasts and experts swear that meditation can cure everything, ranging from bad concentration to writer’s block, which is true. 

Indeed, meditation can help any writer who may be suffering from a bad case of the writer’s block. In fact, several studies have shown that meditation has positive effects when it comes to boosting one’s creative skills. 

Not sure how it works? Here are some reasons why meditation will improve your writing creativity:

It erases negativity 

Negativity is one major obstacle that hinders many writers from reaching their creative potentials. As a writer, it’s easy to fall prey to negative emotions, such as anxiety, depression and stress.

Unfortunately, these emotions only lead to procrastination and increase the likelihood of facing the writer’s block. By dwelling in a pool of anxiety, you’d find it hard to express your most creative ideas. 

Thankfully, meditation can help you erase these negative emotions and tap into your hidden creativity. By practicing short meditation every day, you’d find yourself expelling toxic emotions and feelings. 

When all the negativity is gone, you’d only be left with a deep pool of creativity and clarity. 

Meditation enhances focus 

As a writer, it can be hard to hear your creative thoughts over the noise from the outside world. This fact is mentioned by many authors from a college essay writing service. Meditation is an experience that lets you focus on what really matters. It helps you connect with your innermost thoughts and creative ideas. 

During the writing process, it’s far too easy to get distracted or interrupted. Your cell phone could be ringing while you’re in the middle of a complicated scene or your child could come barging in, asking for a snack. 

However, meditation teaches you how to shut out all forms of interruption and prevent them from cutting off your thought flow. This way, you’d have a better attention span and be able to stay on tasks longer. 

It helps you embrace the moment and stay in it

Writing about a painful subject can be hard even for professional writers. Imagine having to write about the death of a loved one or an experience you never want to relive again. In most cases, writers who have to write about their pain find it hard to channel their creativity. 

However, meditation teaches you how to embrace even the most painful moments and emotions. With meditation, you can channel those emotions into creating something deep and profound for your readers. 


As humans, we all have heavy protective layers that mask the real us. Even though these layers protect us from getting hurt by the world, they end up stifling our raw creativity in the process. 

Meditation helps you connect with your inner soul – your true self – and allows you to channel creativity with ease. 

When you unravel those layers by practicing meditation regularly, your true voice and expression as an artist emerges and reveals itself. 

Subsequently, you will experience a free never-ending flow of creativity. 

How to Practice Meditation for Writing 

Ready to practice meditations for creativity? Here are some writing meditation tips to help you:

Meditate on your own

As a beginner, you’d most likely be invited to many meditation retreats, classes or group sessions. However, the best way to get the most out of each session is to meditate on your own. 

Simply find a space in your house that’s quiet, comfortable and would offer no distractions. Get a CD or podcast by a meditation expert and choose a time of the day that works best for you. 

You can meditate for as little as five minutes or as long as thirty minutes. It all depends on your personal goals and capabilities. 

Write immediately after each session

Most people often experience a bubble of peace and clarity after each session. As such, it’s important to protect this post-meditation state of mind and put it to use as soon as possible. 

Immediately after each meditation session, grab a pen and notebook or your laptop and start writing. Your writing flow may seem slow at first, but eventually, you’ll feel the rush. 

When all else fails, just close your eyes and think of a happy memory. Write down the first thing that comes to your mind and develop the idea. 

You’ll be surprised at the masterpiece you ended up with. 

Pro Tip: To help you stay positive during each writing and meditation session, check out some positivity tips for 2021.


Meditation for writers is an effective way of dealing with writer’s block and drawing out their creative juices. It helps them focus on their inner thoughts and eliminates all the negative emotions that could be blocking their creativity. 

If you’re looking to improve your writing creativity, you could start by practicing a little meditation every day. With time and consistency, you’d definitely be able to unleash your inner writing beast. 

Author Bio

Amanda Dudley is a writer who holds a Ph.D. in History. She graduated from Stanford University in 2001 and is currently lecturing on American and World history. In addition to her lecturing duties, Amanda works with students at EssayUSA, using her knowledge and skills to produce word-perfect papers and essays.

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