Tips to clean your property

Whether you love to clean or not, cleaning your property is necessary for all of us. Especially in this pandemic where millions are suffering every day, you would want to ensure the utmost safety of

Productivity Hacks

Are you the type of person who believes that there aren’t enough hours in the day to get anything done? Productivity is all about using less (energy, work-force)to create more, smarter, and not harder. Whatever

Keep your love alive no matter the distance

When your love burns as bright as Bridgerton’s Duke of Hastings, it can quickly turn cold when you’re hundreds or thousands of kilometres away from your significant other. However, not all is lost if you turn to

5 Tips for Working on Online Group Projects

Group projects are challenging, let alone online projects. Yet, they are part of nearly all courses. The thing is that group projects equip students with the necessary skills for a professional world like nothing else.

Where to now after a year of disruption?

2020 was a disruptive year, not only for the global population and businesses, but for the tech industry too. As far as our industry was concerned, the disruption has accelerated digital transformation, accelerating developments that

Software Development Trends in 2021

As you might have already known, 2020 has been a year like no other. COVID 19 has in a way forced a lot of companies and organizations to review their digital strategies, and in the