10 Tips on How to Survive your First Year

We all have heard the famous preaching of how the best years of our lives happen at university. That’s probably true for some… The truth is that your biggest responsibility at varsity is passing those

How To Save Money While On College

Saving money while in college is everyone’s dream, but it is never the easiest thing to do. But if you think about the many positive gains that come with good savings, it becomes crystal clear

The dual role of the modern CFO

In a digitally driven world, every operational unit in every organisation across the globe is faced with the need to innovate. As the world evolves, so roles transform and employees at every level need to

10 Reasons Why City Living is Awesome

The inner city has become an increasingly popular residential choice among various groups, including young families, creative professionals, and entrepreneurs. Let’s take a look at the top trends behind the resurgence of inner city living:

5 things you should do that will pay off later

What are your plans for after university? Will you immediately start out in the working world or move back to your parents? Many students don’t like to return to their parents’ house after graduation. Well,