Is expensive makeup really worth it?

Makeup is everywhere these days, whether it’s at clothing or grocery stores we are bombarded with choices. However many of the brands, such as MAC, Revlon or Yardley, that are on offer are pretty expensive.

Finding dresses for every shape

Sometimes it can be difficult to find a dress that looks great with your body type. But whether you’re full-figured, athletic, curvy, petite or busty, there is a dress out there for you. So here

Top 5 functions of HR management

The primary function of human resources in a company is to make sure employees and the business comply with federal and state labour and employment laws. The employees are basically the HR department’s internal customers.

How to quit your first job

So you’ve found a new job, congrats! But since you’re currently working at your first job, you probably don’t know the right way to quit. So if you’re nervous and unsure what to do about

Taking good pictures for your blog

  If you want to blog like a pro, then one of the most important things that you need to learn is how to take a good photo. Having a good photo to accompany your

Pulling through an all-nighter

If you’re studying at varsity, then at one point or another you’ve probably pulled an all-nighter so that you can study for an exam or get through that essay. This is not the best way

How do you know if a site is safe?

When browsing the internet it can be difficult to determine whether a website is safe or not. Most scam websites will look exactly like the original, which can make it challenging to know which is

How to make the most of your first year

Gone are the days of high school where you have the luxury of your teacher spoon feeding you. Varsity is completely different, there will be no teachers running after you and you will have to