Having trouble with a squeak? Get to know your car’s noises and how to deal with them

So, the last time you used your car, everything was running smoothly, but today you hear the first squeaky sound. This can be worrisome for car owners, especially those who don’t know or understand the first thing about cars. Because let’s be honest, there is more to cars than knowing how to change a tyre.

And, even if you have a car maintenance plan, there will be a time where your car doesn’t wait till it goes in for a service. It’s easy for you to wake up with a problem. And in most cases, it’s not something you need to concern yourself with. But because vehicles deteriorate every day, it’s best to have some understanding of basic car parts and issues so that you can deal with them accordingly.

So, we have compiled a list of possible reasons why your car is making noises and what you can do when you are faced with any of these issues.

A high pitched squeal when you step on the brake

Now, although the high pitched squeal may seem alarming, it isn’t as bad as it sounds. What’s happening is that the brake pad indicator is rubbing up against the rotor of your vehicle. Now, your brake pad indicator is simply informing you that your brake pads have worn out and you need to replace them. This isn’t an immediate emergency, but you will need to get the pads changed soon. The longer you wait, the higher the pitch will become. Not only will that be frustrating to hear, but it will also be a sign of immediate danger.

Powerful grinding sound

If you hear a powerful grinding sound, this means that the pad is finished and the metal backing plate is clamping directing onto the brake disc. This is extremely dangerous as your brakes no longer work efficiently. And, your car repairs will increase as the disc will need a replacement. So, contact your mechanic immediately, because this isn’t something you should ignore or can be fixed with easy DIY maintenance.

Ticking sound coming from under the vehicle’s hood

Any well-functioning car will have a ticking sound when it’s on because the fuel injectors are working. However, once the sound becomes loud, it means it’s a lifter or valvetrain noise. This does not mean it’s anything serious as your engine will still be able to run. But, to avoid any other forthcoming issues with your vehicle, you should check your vehicle’s oils.

Loud banging sound

To give you a better idea, this sounds as if someone put a firework in your tailpipe. Yes, you can either imagine how loud this may sound, or if it’s something you’re experiencing at this moment. Well, this simply means your air-fuel mixture may be too rich, or the catalytic converter isn’t functioning too well. To be on the safe side, call your mechanic and have it checked out.

A popping sound in the engine

Whenever it comes to a car’s engine parts, there could be several reasons. For starters, there may be:

  • An ignition issue.
  • Your fuel filter may be cogged.
  • You may need to change your spark plugs cause they’re either worn out, dirty or damaged.
  • Lastly, it might be the catalytic converter.

Side note, whenever it comes to engine problems, always speak to your mechanic because there may be several underlying problems, which can cost you a lot of money.

Noise at every speedbump

If you’ve been noticing a clunk and clanging sound every time you drive past a speedbump, then your car may be having problems with the suspension. Although often taken for granted, keep in mind that it supports the weight of your vehicle so you should get it fixed. But, before going to your mechanic, take a look to see it isn’t a loose tailpipe or muffler.

A cat-like sound

If you ever experienced any cat-like sounds when you start your engine, this means your battery is struggling to power your car’s engine because it’s losing juice. Now, this doesn’t necessarily mean it’s something you should be concerned about, but it can be an inconvenience. This is because there might be a day when your car refuses to start, and there won’t be any tale-telling sign when that will happen. There are many reasons why this is happening to your battery. It can be that your car is low on fluids, it’s past it’s prime or you simply need to jump-start your vehicle. So, if that’s the problem you’re experiencing, now is the best time for you to go to a mechanic and have it sorted out before it becomes a real issue. You’ll need to do a battery test to see what is the issue and how it can be dealt with.

There is a roar under your driver’s seat

Is your seat vibrating with a low rumble? Well, this may be caused by a leak, or your exhaust systems’ manifold has cracked. And, the reason why your seat is vibrating with a low rumble is that the excess engine noise isn’t being suppressed by the muffler. When the exhaust system has issues, all the sounds and vibrations will come through. This may seem like a small issue, but it isn’t. This is dangerous as when your exhaust system is exhausted (excuse the pun), it releases poisonous carbon monoxide into the cabin. This is very concerning and detrimental to your health, so make sure you have your vehicle looked at immediately.

A whining sound when turning your steering wheel

If you experience a deep whine when you turn the wheel, it means there is something that’s causing friction in the system. Unfortunately, this can mean that your power-steering pump is saying adieus. This is something you need to be concerned about, so make sure you have it checked out. If you don’t, and the problem worsens, you’ll begin to lose control of the steering wheel. This is not only dangerous, but it can further damage your car’s power-steering system. This is a safety issue you need to be concerned about so contact a car mechanic immediately. It’s best to avoid using your car, but if you have no choice, then don’t make any fast or sudden turns when driving.

Final thoughts

The car truly has a mind of their own. One minute it’s running smoothly, then the next you need to go have it looked at. This is why you must familiarise yourself with how your car works; know the difference between a faulty brake system to a flat tyre. This will ensure you’re well prepared for anything. And remember that over the years, your vehicle will suffer wear and tear. And, there will be a time when you need to consider purchasing a new vehicle. So, always keep that in mind and take note of your vehicle. We hope we have answered your concerns.

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