What to pack for your first beach trip

South Africa has some amazing beaches, from Clifton beach in the Western Cape to Umhlanga Rocks in KwaZulu-Natal. However, there are still many people who have never been to a beach before. So then what do you take to the beach if you’ve never been? Here is a list of what you would need to pack for a beach trip.

Sunscreen – The sun is something that you need to look out for when you go to the beach, so always pack sunscreen from SPF 20 and above to protect your skin.
After-sun – In case you get burnt, it’s important to pack after-sun cream to soothe your skin.
Swimsuit – If you want to take a dip in the ocean, then don’t forget to take along your swimsuit.
Towel – To dry yourself off and to have something that you can lie on.
Beach umbrella – As said before you need to protect yourself from the sun, so make sure to also pack a beach umbrella that you can sit under.
Sunglasses – To shade your eyes from the intense sun.
A good book – Having a book to read while you laze around in the sun can be very relaxing. So be sure to take a book that you know you’ll enjoy.
Water – It’s important that you take lots of water with you when heading to the beach. You wouldn’t want to get sun stroke.
A sun hat – To protect your head from the sun.
Beach bag – A good tote bag or beach bag is great to take along so that you can take only the essentials to the beach.
Flip Flops – You don’t need to take proper shoes to the beach, so be sure to back some flip flops.
Insect repellent – You wouldn’t think it, but sometimes you have to protect yourself from insects when you’re at the beach.
Snorkel, fins, and goggles – If you want to see some of the fishes or the beautiful coral reef, then you should bring these along. If you don’t have any, then don’t fret as there will probably be a place by the beach where you can rent them out.

Now that you know what you need to take to the beach be sure to take these along so that you can have a great time.

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