How to deal with moving away from home

That time of the year has finally come. It’s time to pack up and leave your home town to explore what life has to offer you. For many students, transitioning over to adolescence on their own can be a tough one. Without Mom and Dad there to help guide and direct, students living on their own can often find themselves feeling lonely and out of touch with themselves. Here’s how to beat the lonely blues:

Schedule talk time

Creating a schedule which incorporates spending time with your family will give you the peace of mind you need in knowing that regardless of your busy schedule you will always have time for your family. Depending on your personal preference and schedule, agree upon a set time to talk on the phone with your family. Schedule frequent chats in the beginning and then slowly back off as you feel more at ease with your new environment.

Mark the dates of your visits

Setting up dates on when you plan to see your family again will help you cope with the time apart. Mark the visits on your calendar and start a countdown so you have the visit to look forward to as you begin life in the new location.

Memorabilia is important

Don’t forget to pack family photos in your luggage sets. You can put up the photos throughout your new home and think back to the fun days you had with them. Looking at the familiar faces will give you a sense of closeness to them and preserve the connection you have. Having their favourite shirt to sleep in or even a simple ornament is another great way of feeling that closeness.

Social network to keep in touch

Having a broad base of communication technology available to keep in contact with family is another solution to beating the blues. Keep in touch with your loved ones via Facebook. It’s a great way for them to see what’s happening in your new life, and for you to keep track of what’s going on back at home. Even if you aren’t there physically, you will still be able to instantly communicate with them. You can video chat with them via your laptop or cell phone to allow you to see your family and family events happening in your absence.

Get active

As soon as you’ve settled in, join a social group, volunteer organisation or a sports team to get out and about in your new area. Having new friends won’t replace your family members, but it’s important to note that getting to know the locals in your area will make you feel less isolated and will stand in as a much needed support group.

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