Safety tips for student residents on campus

Crime is everywhere and trusting that it’s not on your college campus is naive thinking that will land you in trouble. Crime takes place in the most unsuspecting places. Therefore it’s always better to be safe than sorry. If it’s your first time away from home, you’ll feel out of place at first as you get to know your surroundings. As you get to know the people and your surroundings, this is when a predator can strike. Knowing basic safety tips can save your life or that of a friend.

A list of things to keep in mind at all times

Do not put your name or address on key rings. This is the best way to avoid possible future stalking. If you find that dorm room keys are missing, report it immediately to the facility management and change the lock.

Avoid traveling alone at night, and if you are, then keep your handbags tightly on your person.

When getting out of a car, take a look around to make sure that you are not being followed.

If vulnerable by an approaching vehicle, run in the opposite direction. The vehicle will have to turn around in order to pursue you.

Do not accept rides from casual acquaintances, saying no thanks, is not impolite.

If while waiting for an elevator you find yourself alone with a stranger, let him take the elevator and wait for its return.

Report any crime no matter the situation

There is no such thing as a small offense and a big offense – all incidents of crime should be reported. By not reporting a crime, the matter goes unsolved and you actually allow the perpetrators to commit additional and perhaps more serious crimes. It occurs in many cases that it depends on how accurately and promptly the incident is reported. If you should witness a crime or become the victim of a crime, when reporting it provide as much information as possible.

When reporting a crime, give the following information about the incident or perpetrator:

    • Report the nature of the incident.
    • When and where the incident occurred.
    • Number of persons involved and try to describe them- names, race, sex, age, height, hair style/colour complexion, distinctive characteristics, i.e. facial features – scars, physical defects, glasses, clothing, etc.
    • Direction and method of travel that was used by the perpetrator.
    • Describe the vehicle such as the colour, type, make, model, license plate number, distinctive characteristics, i.e., decals, bumper stickers, damage, number of occupants, etc.
    • Description of stolen property (item, manufacturer, model number, serial number, value, colour, dimensions, etc.).

Your safety is important and the only way you can protect yourself is if you’re always alert and keep an eye out. No one ever said that being precautious got you into trouble.

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