Thesis Writing Tips and Tricks

Writing a thesis may be one of the toughest tasks you have to face in your academic life. From choosing an appropriate subject and ideas, all the way through to forming a convincing and thought-provoking

Why students should care about insurance

As students, you might think insurance isn’t necessary. After all, you’re young, probably healthy and have suffered few illnesses that required extensive hospital visits. Unfortunately, reality doesn’t care and your current situation can easily change.

Savings can help over-indebted consumers

Many consumers argue that they are unable to save due to being in debt or the high cost of living. July has been declared National Savings Month and the theme this year is “Celebrating Savers

What to expect from a financial advisor

As a student you only need to worry about seeking out the assistance of a financial advisor in your final year. Because, this is the time you need to concern yourself with paying back your

3 key factors when buying your first car

Turning 18 means many different things. Most of all it means independence. One of the best ways to celebrate your coming of age and new-found freedom is to purchase your first car. Even better, purchasing

Gen Y-ers

The group of young adults aged 30 or under are commonly referred to as Generation Y(Gen Y or Gen Y-ers). They are remarkably different to the previous generations that’ve been singled out over the past

Best places to put your money

Managing money is one of the most important aspects of adulthood. Without it, we of course could not survive, needing to pay bills, food and so on. The issue is no one wants to live


Developing our future leaders is the responsibility of those who currently lead. And the best way to do this is through mentorship. Real leaders create other leaders. We need our leaders to step into mentorship

STEM skills

The future is uncertain and we must find ways to establish ourselves. Examining progress shows us that everything, from business to academics, is heavily focused on technology and software. No matter our field of interest,