Go on a safari as a student

Many students live a very basic lifestyle while attending university or college. After all, without working a full-time job any monthly income needs to be stretched to cover living expenses, study needs and entertainment. Most

5 reasons why you should volunteer

Do you want to make a difference? Well, you can make a change in someone’s life. You can bring a smile to their face and inject joy in their world. There’s only a few things

5 ways to balance university and work

It can sometimes be difficult to take on a part-time job while trying to finish your degree. There are three main parts of every student’s life which consume most of their time: study, work and

How to be the perfect roommate

Choosing the perfect roommate is a process which could make you feel like Goldilocks. Goldilocks spent time tasting different porridges and sitting on different chairs in order to find the one which was just right

How to Tackle the School Holidays on a Budget

The school holidays are steadily approaching. For many, this is a time for series binge-watching, binge eating and endless hours of napping. But for some, this is a time of wanderlust, empty pockets and empty