How protests can affect student marketing

Protesting is known as expressing a strong objection against proposed notions, ideas, strategies or projects. Protesting can be done via marches, refusal to do everyday tasks or duties agreed upon, which are normally civilized and

How to find a career that excites you

When you were asked as a child what you wanted to be when you were older, the answers may have come quickly and easily. They could have ranged from being a president to being a

Getting through your first campus party

With the start of the year also comes the start of campus parties, whoop whoop! But if this is your first time going to a campus party, it can seem a bit overwhelming. Which party

Microwaves – Be sure to look after it

Data by international research group Global TGI shows that more than 60% of South Africans own a microwave oven, indicating to what extent we rely on arguably the most convenient of household appliances. The frantic

Alternative uses for the birth control pill

When people think of the birth control pill, they think it’s only for preventing pregnancy. Which is why there is still a stigma attached to it as people associate it with being promiscuous. However, it

How to reduce your food wastage

In most households, we tend to throw out a lot of food that we don’t use. This organic matter then makes its way into landfills where it creates methane gas, a greenhouse gas that contributes

What does it mean to go organic?

While shopping at your local supermarket, you’ve probably noticed a few products with the label “organic.” But what is the difference between organic and non-organic foods, vegetables and animal products? Is there actually a difference

Tips for cutting back on your water usage

There are many parts of South Africa that still have water restrictions. This can make life difficult sometimes as you may not always have water to do your laundry, to water your garden, etc. But

DIY skin and hair products

Taking proper care of your hair and skin can take up a lot of time, and it doesn’t help that products are expensive. Instead of blowing all your hard earned cash on these products, you