Navigating your way through your 20s

Time really moves fast, weren’t you just 16 the other day? The transition from your teenage years to your 20s is an interesting one. Your 20s are all about finding yourself and figuring out where

Beginners guide to building your own website

Building a website can seem like a daunting task. With all the different platforms and host providers to choose from, it can be difficult to find a starting point. But it’s actually not as difficult

5 lessons you’ll learn from your first job

Starting out in the working world can sometimes be daunting. It might also be instructive as many find it quite terrifying. You’re likely to get your first professional job as soon as you graduate which

Why you should choose welding as a career

Thinking of what career to take in life is one of the most difficult decisions you’ll ever make. If only it were as easy as the future depicted in the TV series Futurama where everyone

Tips for a good night’s sleep

As millennials, sleep is often the last thing that we worry about. From the long nights of studying, working late or partying – getting a good night’s sleep isn’t our top priority. However, when you

How to properly plan your road trip

Road tripping is one of the best ways to spend a holiday with friends. While you do want to take it easy and enjoy your holiday, there are a couple of things that you need

How to start a blog

If you’ve ever looked into starting your own blog, you’ve probably done your own research and found that there is SO much information out there. This can make it difficult to actually decide on where

What you need to know before moving out

Leaving home for the first time can be exciting and scary (and home includes your student accommodation paid for by your parents). You’re excited to gain some independence but scared for the world of responsibility