5 tips to get you through first year

Fresh out of high school or right out of a gap year, you are probably freaking out about starting your first year of studies. Whether you choose to do marketing courses, a diploma in design

What to pack for your first beach trip

South Africa has some amazing beaches, from Clifton beach in the Western Cape to Umhlanga Rocks in KwaZulu-Natal. However, there are still many people who have never been to a beach before. So then what

How do you become good with money?

Many people believe they will never be good with money, especially students. They don’t think they’ll ever have enough money or be able to live without debt. But this isn’t true. We can all be

How to let go of toxic friends

Having healthy friendships is a great thing, but what do you do with those “friends” that aren’t great to begin with? That rather than lifting you up, they live to tear you down and to

Do you want to become an engineer?

The world of engineering sounds foreign to those who aren’t currently in the field. And yet, engineering makes the world go around. Every single day we, the public, make use of infrastructure and amenities that

4 ways to boost your self-esteem

Self-esteem is about appreciating you for who you are – the good and the bad. If you want to improve your self-esteem, then you have to change the way that you think and feel about

Do women find circumcised men sexier?

There has always been a debate amongst men and women as to what is preferred: circumcised or uncircumcised? There is a growing body of evidence worldwide, which suggests that women prefer to have sex with

How to avoid dropping out of university

Getting into university is a huge accomplishment for many young people. However, a couple of months after enrollment you’ll find that many students tend to drop out. This can be for a variety of reasons,