Six financial things you should master by 30

So you’ve hit your thirties. You probably still feel young and invincible. The reality is that you’re halfway to retirement. Luckily you’ve probably started building a good credit rating, feel an inexplicable kick of joy

6 tips for being in a long-distance relations

Being in a long-distance relationship can be extremely difficult. And when you’re at university, it can be even harder. It’s certainly not easy being away from the person you love. When you start a new

3 things you must do with your first paycheque

If you’ve just managed to secure your first job then you’re probably a bag of emotions right now. No more classes, subjects you hate, exams or res parties. You have officially entered the working world

What should you study to make money?

There is a big debate about whether you should study what you love or study what you think will make you money. The jury is out on this one because surely if you study what

Eliminating toxic study habits

When we look at successful people, we usually look at what they did right. We forget to take into account what they don’t do, which can be even more important. Therefore before learning about fantastic

Keep your first kitchen safe

If you are about to move out of your parents’ home for the first time and into a digs or your own flat then there’s a lot to consider. This is a big step and

Why We stress (and why you can’t avoid it)

Picture yourself talking a nice, calm stroll around your neighbourhood. You are surrounded by rainbows and unicorns. You breathe in the fresh air and feel total peace and tranquillity. All of a sudden, you hear

Top tips for choosing student accommodation

Few things are as stressful for parents as setting your child up for tertiary education. It seems like a lot of hurrying up and waiting, and then panicking to tick everything off the to-do list