Possible career paths when studying finance

The best things in life may be free but you still need money to survive. A career in finance isn’t always about money, although finance professionals work with money. For a student, obtaining a finance

Reasons to take finance as a major

Fascinated about money? Do you have a definite interest in banking, economics and working with investments? Then a finance major might just be for you. This is a degree or qualification that carries a lot

Why a hospital plan is best for students

Students don’t have a lot of expendable income, if any at all. What’s more, the money that’s at their disposal is often there for the basics, food, electricity and let’s include entertainment. Afterall, what is

Cars that won’t break the bank

Buying a used car is tricky. There are lots of horror stories around that will scare you half to death and make you feel like purchasing a brand new car is the only way to

Preparing Matric students for University life

It is a daunting step up from high school to university, one that just under half of all students fail to master. However, through proper understanding and realistic expectations, aspiring undergraduates can learn how to