Smart Fashion Tips for Students

As a student, one of the toughest challenges in your personal life is dressing well on a budget. Your parents might argue that you’re on campus for an education and not a fashion show…this won’t

Habits of highly successful students

It’s a common belief that studying hard will ensure good marks. But experts suggest you study smart not hard. Cramming an entire term’s worth of work in the night before an exam is a terrible

How not to get pregnant at Varsity?

Let’s be real here, the chances of you reading this and not having sex as a varsity student is fairly slim. That is okay, we don’t judge here. What we want is for you to

Ways to be an effective public speaker

According to numerous studies, many people suffer with a phobia of public speaking. If you can relate then you probably experience heart palpitations and sweaty palms every time you have to say a speech. But

How to budget while at university.

It can be hard to see money while studying at university. You’re either relying on a monthly allowance from your parents or are maintaining yourself with part-time jobs. Either way, you have to make sure

How to study like a boss.

Throughout your time at university, there will be many midnight study sessions filled with snacks and going over past exams. But do you actually know the best way to retain all that information? Here are

Maintain a healthy lifestyle as a student

As a student, you’re probably feeling performance pressure at all times and in varying degrees. After all, you’ve got one shot to attain your qualification that’ll dictate the course of your career. You don’t really

Car Safety Tips for Students

As a student you have a lot on your hands. You’re probably faced with upcoming exams and a pile of assignments you need to hand in. Not to mention attending classes. The last thing you

11 Tips for being a great leader

Whether you want to be a successful entrepreneur and run your own thriving empire or you want to be the president of a country, it’s important you enhance your leadership skills. It could be said