Debunking the myths around male circumcision

Circumcision is one of the most frequently performed surgical procedures in the world, but there are still many myths surrounding it. So let’s separate fact from fiction! Myth: Circumcision leads to a loss of sexual

How to be more body positive

It’s easy to fall into the trap of criticising your body. Whether it’s your tummy or thighs, everyone has something about themselves that they want to change. But this way of thinking can impact our

What are the most typical student jobs?

Looking for a job while studying is quite a task – you don’t really have a diploma yet, but you have needs and expenses to cover. Tuition fees, textbooks and the price of having fun generates

What you didn’t know about abortion

Every woman has the right to make decisions about her own body. But when it comes to topics such as abortion people are quick to judge others for their choices without knowing what it’s actually

Share your life instantly with Polaroid

Many years ago, our parents had the ability to share their photos instantly with their friends, while not on social media. everyone around them could see what they had just taken a photo of. The

What to do when you have writer’s block

You sit down at your desk, open your laptop to get started with an amazing article and you patiently wait for inspiration but there’s nothing. You wait a couple more minutes but you find yourself

Fun things to do during your varsity break

You’ve attended classes, worked hard, skipped on sleep and you’re exhausted. And now it’s the end of the semester and you need a break. Use your free time wisely because before you know it, you’ll